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Bellarose POV

" Bells, you're not going." Carlos protested as Evie and I looked through my closet.

" Carlos, I'm sorry you don't get to make that decision for me." I say ask I pull out a black top and some leather pants. Evie was looking for the pant's matching jacket and some boots for me. I step behind the folding wall and start to change. " Mal's my friend too, one of my best in fact. I will do whatever it takes to bring her back."

" Bells, the Isle is a dangerous place. I can't let you get hurt, or worse. Evie, help me out here." Carlos pleads looking to Evie who was practically hidden in the closet of clothes.

" Sorry Carlos, but I have to agree with B on this. We need all the help we get." Evie said, I walk out tucking in the necklace, the one Carlos gave me, under my shirt. Evie then tossed me the jacket and handed me some boots.

" Thank you, Evie." I say sitting down to put on my shoes.

" Plus, you should know, you were never going to change her mind." Evie continued. I finished tying my shoe and stood up with my hands on my hips.

" Evie, could you leave us for a second?" I ask, she nodded and left my dorm.

" Bellarose, you can't go to the Isle." Carlos says taking my hands in his.

" Carlos, no matter what you say I'm going." I sigh. " But I can promise you that I will play it safe and listen to you guys. I won't get hurt or worse." I assure. Carlos looks me in the eyes and sighs.

" Alright, okay, you're coming." He says reluctantly giving in.

" Thank you for agreeing." I say giving him a peck. " And besides it's Ben we really have to worry about."


The four of us quickly hustled out of the dorm build as soon as it was midnight. " Jay, keys, remote." I say tossing him each object.

" Wait! Something's wrong" Evie said, making all of us coming to a halt. She stepped in front of Ben and fixed his beanie, I rolled my eyes at her.

" Shotgun!" A voice exclaimed from behind us. I turned to only see Dude, and my eyes widened. There's no way that came from him.

" No, Dude, stay. The Isle is way too dangerous." Carlos said, Dude whimpered sadly.

" Did he just-"

" Talk?" Carlos said finishing Jay's sentence. " Yeah, I know."

" Care to explain?" I ask raising my eyebrow. Carlos' eyes widened and he pursed his lips.

" After we get Mal back." he says nervously. I nodded a little confused at his behavior.

" Let's just go." Ben said, we all agreed and got in the limo. Ben was in front with Jay, and Evie and Carlos were with me in the back.

" Okay. Once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?" Evie told Jay.

" Got it." Jay confirmed then driving off. We exited the prep property and to the broken off bridge. Jay clicked the button and the golden bridge formed as we drove. There was a slight jolt as we crossed the barrier. I felt my magic dim but not like what the cuff did.

Jay did as told and drove to under the pier in the old garage. We stepped out of the limo and I did a quick look around. An pile of old beige tarps caught my eye. " Carlos, help with these tarps." I say.

" Nice." Carlos complimented helping me pick them up. I gave him a smile before throwing them over the limo for Jay and Evie to help us cover the vehicle.

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