Professor Alert ! (Professor Vijay x reader)

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" Good morning class " as soon as he said that the whole class started to drool over him . Yea your professor was smart , handsome and what not . So he made all the girls drool over him except me . I just don't know why . Am I some defected piece ? Whatever I don't care . I just listened to his class and took notes . He threw a glance at me after every 5 minutes . I just thought he was just checking on me if I was listening to the class . I damn well knew I am the only one listening to the class rather than staring at him . The class got over and I picked up my things to go and get some fresh air while vijay stopped me . Yea his name is vijay . So I walked upto him . " (Y/n) I wanna discuss something important to you so meet me in the staff room at 4 p.m. " " ok sir " you said that and walked out . You heard a little moan come out from him as you walked . So you stopped and turned to him " sir are you ok ?" " Yea yea I am fine you carry on " " umm .. okay " you walked out and took out your notes to go through it . A girl came over to you and pushed your note away from you . It dropped to the ground with a thud . Just then vijay came out and saw this . " Always studying who are you trying to impress oh our professor what you wanna sleep with him or something ? " Vijay walked upto you and the girl . He slapped that girl across her face . That girl held her cheek with her hand . " What is your problem ? (Y/n) learning or you can't learn ?" "Nothing sir I am sorry " She ran away from there . You looked down to the ground . You don't know what grudge she had towards you but you were upset when she said those words it hurt you . "(Y/n) don't worry I will look after these girls you dont upset yourself for these silly girls who don't have a better work than this" You picked up your bag and started to walk towards another place where no one will disturb you . You sat on a stone bench when you heard whispers behind you . " Hey what did this (y/n) do to vijay ? Why is he always looking at her ? " " Maybe she did something to him that we didn't do " and laughs followed it . Now you started to tear up and after 2 classes it was 4 p.m. You were getting ready to go to your home when you remembered that vijay called you to the staff room . Then the talks of the girls came to your mind. Tears rolled down your cheeks . You neither could hold it in nor you had the energy to wipe them away so you just went like that to the staff room . Vijay was preparing notes for his next class . You called him which made him turn towards you . " Oh hi (y/n) come in and close the door " You did what he said and your hands were shaking and you started to cry more. Vijay saw this "(y/n) what happened ? Why are you crying like this ? " You just started to cry more . He made you sit on a chair next to his desk . Other lecturers weren't available because they already left to their home . " (Y/n) talk something it hurts when you cry like this " " who are you to me than a professor ? Why are you getting hurt sir ? Stop talking like this sir . It's disgusting " " so .. this is the problem . Probably the girls spoke about something that involved both of us in it " " yes now why did you call me sir ? " " Look here (y/n) I really like you and I really wanted to say this to you " " but you are my professor " " should I leave this job to be with you then will you love me ?" " Sir no why are you talking like this " " Don't call me sir just call me vijay " " Vijay it's not like that but ... " " No buts do you love me or not ? " You stared at him . He stared back at you . He pulled your face towards him and kissed you . You pushed him away and ran away from there . Your heart beat rapidly . Your legs were shaking . You were a mess . You somehow manage to reach your house .

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