Happy married life

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       Atlast you and vijay were married . You had a grand marriage function. Vijay never took his eyes from you as you were so beautiful to him . He held you closer to him always as if someone's gonna kidnap you right then and there . You got blessings from his parents and your parents and you both went to vijay's house . You were so happy as was vijay . Raashmika was the one who was happier than you both . She always has shipped you both and now she was in cloud nine as you both got married . It was night and you went to your room to be greeted by decorations with flowers everywhere. Vijay was smiling widely . You laughed at his face . He came to you and kissed you .


  You melted into his kiss which was filled with lust, passion and love . You looked into his eyes which was filled with lust . He removed his dress and as well as yours . Soon he was left in his boxers and you were left in your bra and panties . He stared at you and you smiled at him . You were a little nervous but you trusted vijay "(y/n) you trust me right ?" "Always Vijay Sai Devarakonda " " ok Mrs .Vijay " you smiled at him and he picked you up and carried you to the bed and kissed you hungrily . He unhooked your bra and kissed your breast . He sucked on your nipples . "Ohhh vijay " "you sound so sweet baby " . He soon came to your wet pussy . He pulled your panties down and licked your pussy and started sucking it . Your moans were uncontrollable. He soon came up and kissed you and inserted his middle finger inside your pussy and pumped it in and out . He added his forefinger and pumped it in and out faster . You moaned his name loud enough to make him hard . You were reaching your climax "cum for me baby " you came to your climax and you were sweating so much . He kissed you on your forehead . He removed his boxers and put his dick's tip in your entrance. "Are you ready ?" "Yes" . He slowly entered you and choked you by your neck . He sped up and you were reaching your climax. Tears were coming out of your eye . Vijay and you moaned as you both reached your climax . Vijay fell down beside you " was it ok ?" "Vijay it was amazing " you kissed him on his cheek and you both fell asleep.

The end .

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