Late night show

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       You sat with vijay for the movie to start surrounded with snacks . He thought of seeing a movie with you . He chose a Horror movie to see. "You know vijay I love horror movies I don't get frightened by them so easily " "let's see about that I know you wouldn't get scared that easily that's why I chose the most terrible frightening horror movie ever" "and what is that ?" "The witch " "what?I have never heard about that movie before " "then watch it ". Vijay came and sat near you and pulled you towards him . You pushed him off . "I am not gonna be scared vijay let me go " "well your wish " . You were watching with interest when a creepy scene comes and you hold tightly onto vijay "someone said she is not scared " "no no no this movie is scary " "it's ok (y/n) come here I will hold you " . He holds you close to him so that you don't get scared . After the movie was over you both went to bed . After 1 hour you wanted to use the restroom but it was all the way down . You thought about all the scary scenes from the movie . Oh my god this is the time when all the scary scenes come to my mind. Due to your shuffling vijay got up and looked at you. "What's the problem (y/n)?" "I need to use the restroom " "then go " "I am scared " "what ?it's just a movie babe " "keep your voice down the ghost will hear us and come for us it will eat us up " "you know babe you are too childish to be a woman " you glared at him "ok come I will come with you " "ookay "  .He just chuckled . You held tightly onto vijay's muscular arm . "Babe don't be scared this much it's just a movie it's not real " "But I am scared and you are the reason". You went to the restroom and came out when you didn't see vijay . It was total dark . "Vijay vijay where are you ?It's scary here please come " by this time a small tear came out of your eye . When someone let a small boo and you nearly jumped 5 feet into the air . "I am here (y/n)" "vijay you nearly scared me to death " . Small tear drops fell from your eye to the floor ."are you crying ?oh my sweet little baby don't cry it was just a prank " "no it was not it scared me ".

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