The party

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The shooting for the film was over and so the director said that he will give a party for all of the persons who worked for this movie . So here you are crying out to Raashmika . "Sorry raash I am not a party person I hate to be around crowds and the noise I hate it " " it's just a small party (y/n) come on even vijay called you . You know that he will be upset throughout the party he wouldn't even enjoy the party without you and he will be such a torture to me 'raashmi is my baby ok ' ' did she eat ' he will keep on asking questions and I couldn't enjoy the party " "you know raash if you are with me I couldn't help but keep laughing " " I know so let's go shopping "

You both came to a mall and went into a dress shop and the persons working at the store welcomed you both in . Raashmika kept on showing you all the dresses . You sighed and said to her that you will manage with whatever dress you had . She said no and showed you the last dress .

     You said that it was nice and you both went into an icecream shop and Raashmika ordered very berry strawberry flavour cone and you ordered an icecream sandwich

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You said that it was nice and you both went into an icecream shop and Raashmika ordered very berry strawberry flavour cone and you ordered an icecream sandwich . You both ate your icecreams and left the mall to get ready for the party .

Raashmika dropped you at vijay's house and she went to her house. You got into the house with a hella lot of bags . Vijay came and took all the bags from you. "Babe the dress is only for one party why did you buy so much dresses " "Raashmi bought every single dress in the whole mall and gave it to me " " she was so active wasn't she " "yes she was " . You both laughed and had your lunch . Soon it was time for the party . You were sitting and watching tv . Vijay came to you "(y/n) it's time for the party get ready " "ok " . You went to your room and took a bath and put on your dress and combed your hair and took your hair from both sides and put a black clip to hold it and put on your black wedges . Vijay came in with a towel wrapped around his torso . " you are ready? " "Yeah " " you didn't wear makeup ?" " I hate makeup vijay " " Oh ok then you look cute without makeup too and I will get ready you wait down" . You heard a knock on your door and so you went to open it . You saw raashmika dressed in a cute floral dress . She saw you with wide eyes " this dress suits you " "thank you raashmi " she saw your face and asked that did you wear makeup . " I hate makeup raashmi " " no you are wearing makeup " " Raashmi no " . She opened her purse and had some makeup items with her so she applied some makeup to your face . You saw into the mirror . The makeup was light and cute . You kissed raashmi on the cheek and she hugged you . Soon vijay came down " wow baby you look so beautiful " " thank you vijay " . So you all got into the car and went to the party . You , Raashmika and vijay danced . You all took a lot of photos. Raashmika said that she wanted photos of vijay and you . So you both started to give her all the poses you could . You all laughed seeing the crazy but romantic pics together . Soon it was dinner and everyone ate at the buffet. You , Raashmika and vijay sat at a table and ate your foods . It was time to leave so you and vijay bid goodbye to Raashmika and left to vijay's house . You went to your house and got changed into comfortable clothes . You and vijay decided to have a movie night . So you went to the couch and sat beside him and started to watch a telugu film .

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