Small little talks

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      "Hey raashmika " " hey (y/n) how you doing today" "Yeah just fine " . You sit beside raashmika on the sofa of her room . "You know I am really tired right now and I am on my periods you know that for an actor it is a stress I hate to be a girl sometimes " " I get it raashmi but this shall pass too don't worry here get into your costume and get ready for your scene " " awww can't we talk for some more time " " Yeah we could talk later now get up " . You pulled her up and handed out her dress and left to go to vijay's room to give his costume.  "Hi (y/n) " "Hi " You handed his costume to him . He took off his shirt to change into the other dress . "What are you doing ?" "Uh... changing my dress " "can't you wait for me to go out " He came closer to you . "Well you are going to be my wife " "Not in your dreams get off me " You pushed him off you and walked away . You knocked on raashmi ' s door and she opened her door . "Why are you sweating  (y/n) ?" "Oh it's nothing I was just giving out the costumes for the actors " "(y/n) don't lie " "it's nothing raashmi don't need to doubt me " "you surely went to vijay's room and he did something to you which made you uncomfortable right ?""How do you know I hate him ""Oh right he said that to me and I can see that he loves you a lot it's not his type at all I don't know how he fell in love but I think it was because of you " " Oh alright " "just an alright for my big speech "  " well its not that big " . You both laughed out and she went out for shooting her scene . You smiled at raashmi ' s cuteness and sat down and took out your phone to go through some messages .

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