The love boat (Vijay Devarakonda x reader)

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"Omg stop grinning so much (y/n)" "You don't get itttt I am going to meet my idol a.k.a my crushhhh " your friend laughed at the way you admired Vijay . You were totally crazy about him . "Well are you ready to go" "Ready as always" you smiled at her . You reached the place where the meet and greet was taking place . There were so many fans somehow your friend got two VIP tickets . She made sure you don't miss meeting him cause it was an once in a lifetime thing . This is why you loved her more. She always makes sure you have the best of everything . "Thank you again" "(Y/n) you are saying this from the day I got you the tickets I love you ok you don't have to keep on thanking me" you kissed her on the cheek. There were just 2 more in line in front of you . You were excited and nervous at the same time. You held onto your friend's hand tightly she squeezed your hand softly to let you know everything was okay . "Next two go in" a guy motioned you and your friend to go in . You both entered the room where you can meet Vijay . Your heart beat rapidly as you entered . Vijay turned to look at you as you froze in the place looking into his eyes . He chuckled softly which made you to come back to reality . "Hi your name?" "Hello my (y/n) is name omg sorry my name is (y/n)" He laughed and asked you and your friend to take a seat . "Where are you from?" "We are from Hyderabad too" "Oh that's great so only you do the talking your friend doesn't talk" Vijay looked at you with a little smirk . "Umm...Sir" "Call me Vijay" "I am like your biggest fan you are my inspiration you are my everything" "Everything? Like in your boyfriend and husband too" You blushed furiously "I will wait outside" your friend said and moved out smiling at you "I gotta go" you got up to go Vijay held your hand . You turned to him "I didn't get the answer for my question" "Take me on a date you will get the answer" you grinned "Then give me your number" he smiled . You handed him your number . "Meet you soon Vijay" "You too" he winked at you .

"He asked your number you are going out with "THE VIJAY DEVARAKONDA"?" "Yessss" you sighed dreamily and plopped onto your bed . "This a dream come true for you (y/n)" "It is" she smiled at you . "Let's go for shopping then you have to look perfect for the date" "Let's gooo" you both reached the mall . You and your friend entered the H&M store . You were looking at all the dresses in the store . "(Y/n) look this will look cute on you"

"This is cute I will take it " You paid for the dress and you both left the shop

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"This is cute I will take it " You paid for the dress and you both left the shop . Your phone rang up . You looked at it to see a new number . You picked it up "Hello" "Hello (y/n)" "Vijay?" "Yes It's me" "Tell me" "So when are we going is a 7 okay for you?" "Totally" "Give me your address" You gave him the address "Be ready at 7" you smiled and put in the phone into your bag "What did he say?" "To be ready at 7" "Coollll I will do the makeup" "No no makeup " you groaned "Come on (y/n) you are going on a date you can't always go plain everywhere " "Why not?" "Stop arguing and come" "Fineeeee"

It was 7 and you were ready . You paired the dress with a pair of black heels .

You left your hair loose and you had light makeup on

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You left your hair loose and you had light makeup on . Minutes later you heard a car honk . You saw Vijay waving at you. You walked up to the car and got in . "Wow you look beautiful" "Thank you" you blushed and hid your face from him . He smiled softly and started the car . "Where are we going ? " "You will see" you both reached a lake . Vijay opened the door for you to come out . He closed your eyes from behind. "Come with me" he guided you slowly . He stopped and pulled his hand away from your eyes . You opened your eyes to see a boat filled with flowers on either side and two velvet cushion seats opposite to each other with a tiny table filled with food. You smiled and turned to Vijay . "Vijay it's so beautiful" he wrapped an arm around your shoulder "Come" he got in and held his hand out for you to come in . You got into the boat and sat . Vijay looked at your smiling face. "You are so cute (y/n)" you blushed "Not more than you"he giggled . You both finished the food and sat in silence "Vijay why did you ask me to come on this date?" "It's because there is something attractive about you (y/n) the time I met you my heart started to flutter and then did I know you were the one for me" "I don't know how to react you know I am in cloud nine right now . I love you so much and hearing this from you it's like a dream come true" he leaned in closer to you. You leaned a little . You stared into each other's eyes as he pulled you into a kiss . Fireworks were going off in the sky . This day was perfect . You know you are never gonna forget this beginning of this beautiful relationship . Little did you know Vijay was gonna be your forever .

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