He is back

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       Vijay was in shooting . You thought of going to the spot later since you had all the costumes ready for the scene they were shooting you thought you could go by noon. You finished your breakfast and you thought of designing the other remaining costumes . You sat at the dining table and were doing the sketches . The time struck 10:00 a.m . You thought of eating a snack when someone knocked on your door . You opened the door to find vijay or you thought . "Vijay what happened? Shouldn't you be at shooting " . He got inside the house and sat on the sofa . "I am not vijay darling haven't you heard the saying don't judge a book by its cover " " Ajay?what are you doing here get out " " don't shout babe . I see you are with my brother now . What ? Thought I would rape you or something and ran for help to my brother " "I am not with him to save myself you came behind me saying that you love me but you really didn't love me he loved me truly you are not even near him ajay " "so you are in love with my brother now but I don't care I came here for you " . Saying that he came near you and pulled you by your waist and started kissing you . You tried to push him off you but it was of no use . Soon the door opened to reveal raashmika. "Leave her ajay do you want me to call vijay . Get out from here " "Oh raashmi vijay sent you to save his little angel where is he ? Sitting in his room kissing another girl?"
"Only you will do such cheap things ajay he is not that character he has a girlfriend he thinks she is her whole world he will never cheat on her " . Ajay walked passed raashmika saying ,"let's see about that". You dropped to the ground crying "(y/n) there is no need to cry let's go to the shooting spot come with me" "How can I not cry raashmika he kissed me I feel guilty I cannot even push him away from me " "it's ok let's go " . You both got into Raashmika ' s car ."driver go to the shooting spot " Raashmika ordered her driver he obeyed her and started the car ."raashmika how do you know ajay, vijay said he has never spoken about his twin brother to anyone " "since our first movie together we were best friends he said that to me when we met together for the second movie " "Oh okay "

Raashmika's p.o.v:

  I feel bad for lieing to her . Vijay is such an asshole.  If he was good to her she would have really loved him . Putting on such a big drama like he has a twin brother . What if she comes to know the truth . Then vijay will be the one who gets hurt and she will be the one crying all day . I don't know when he is gonna become a full arjun reddy. Oh my goodness.

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