Angel ( Vijay Devarakonda x reader)

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"Slut" your ex slapped you across the face and you fell to the floor sobbing . He closed the door behind him and left. You brought your knees closer to your chest and started to cry uncontrollably . You and him broke up weeks ago but still he kept on abusing you . You thought you can stop the abusing by breaking up but he just won't stop . You don't know who to talk about this to . Everyone was busy with their own problems . Who will listen to you? You just thought and kept sobbing . Someone knocked at your door . You got up and dried your eyes and opened the door . "Hey (Y/n)" "Vijay? Come in" "Your boyfriend why does he look so angry?" You looked down . You don't know what to say to him. Vijay is a real sweetheart and he gets worried about you even for the slightest of things . "Vijay it's " "And why do you look so ... Fuck (y/n) why is your cheek so red " "Vijay can I tell the truth ? I can't hold it in anymore . I don't wanna mask up anymore" you started to cry again "Calm down (y/n) come on let's sit down and talk about it". You and Vijay sat together on the couch . You took his hand in yours as you looked into his eyes "Actually we broke up Vijay a few weeks back . You just saw the mask we both were putting on when we were together outside but all he did was abuse me and what not . I thought break up would help but he won't just stop abusing me .I am so numb at this point . I don't know who to say this too. I don't wanna scare my parents . You know I am alone here and I don't want them to be scared " "Why didn't you say this to me before?" "See Vijay everyone has their problems I can't pull others into my problem when they are living a happy life" "(y/n) you don't see me as your best friend right?" "What? You are my best friend " "Then why (y/n) if you just called me and said a word about these things I would have killed him right now" "I am sorry Vijay I just didn't know what to do" "Ok leave it aside from now on I will protect you . He doesn't deserve an angel like you . You are a beautiful person (y/n) I don't want you getting hurt . You are an angel you deserve better " you looked at him . He wiped away your tears . "Do I deserve you?" "What?" "Can I have you?" He smiled at you " Of course you can angel " he hugged you tight as you cried onto his shoulders . Why didn't you see that you had all your love for your best friend before? Anyhow you were happy he was in love with you too . You hugged him with all the strength you had . Vijay gave a kiss on your forehead and stayed with you for the rest of the day and whispered sweet and lovely things into your ears which made you blush a lot.

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