Arranged marriage (Vijay Devarakonda x reader)

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"Anand why can't you just come alone to the library?" Vijay sighed as his brother just scanned through the books and took one out of the rack. "I just wanted to spend some time with my brother" Anand smiled at Vijay "In a library? We can go to other places" "Come on Vijay let me just get a couple of books and we will leave" "Fine be quick" Vijay folded his arms infront of his chest and looked around "Uh... If I were you I wouldn't pick that book" Anand looked at you "Why? Isn't this a good book" "Nah it's kinda boring" Vijay finally turned to you as he heard your face. He stared at you as you kept speaking to his brother "Do you have any other recommendations?" "Here try this" You pointed to a book from the rack "It is really good I just read it a week back" "Thank you so much do you read a lot" "Yes I do I love reading books I am used to buying books but only these past few weeks I found books in these library to be interesting now I come here very often rather than buying books" "That's true these library has a lot of good books" "Anand are you done yet" "Oh I am sorry this is my brother Vijay... well I think you know us both already" "Of course Anand and Vijay Devarakonda right" "Yes...I thought you would be excited to see my brother" "Why? He's a human just like me" "Of course" Anand laughed along with you as Vijay frowned at Anand signalling him to stay quiet "Well I gotta go bye Anand it was nice meeting you oh and bye Vijay" "By the way I didn't get your name" Anand stopped you as Vijay rolled his eyes at his brother "It's (Y/n)" "Nice to meet you (y/n) and can I have your number cause I would need book recommendations now and then" Anand chuckled "Sure no problem will love to help another fellow bookworm" You giggled and gave your number to Anand. Vijay stared at Anand in disbelief "What the hell you got her number?" "Why? Any problem brother she looks like a sweet person and loves books just like me" "So?" "So what's the problem?" "Do you like her in any way?" "What?" "Like... " "Do you like her?" Anand stopped and looked at Vijay "I think yes" "I knew it why are you beating around the bush with your own brother" "I mean-" "Vijay I just like her book recommendations and I don't get to talk to a lot of them about books so I thought it would be nice to have her as my friend nothing much" Anand chuckled and placed his hand on Vijay's shoulder "If you like her you could've just said that to her" "I don't know I was nervous and I am not sure yet I don't know anything about her" "We do have her number you wanna talk to her?" Anand held out his phone to Vijay "What? No I told you I'm scared I'm not doing it" "Okay scaredy cat then never talk to her" "But I want to" "Vijay no one is going to talk to her for you. If you like her you should talk to her yourself" Vijay sighed as they both walked out the library.

"Oh yeah that part it was really good" Anand laughed as he spoke with you on the call. Vijay entered the room and raised an eyebrow at Anand as he cut the call "Who were you talking to?" "(Y/n) you wanna talk?" "No thanks" "Then how are you planning to talk to her" "Anand why don't we just tell our parents about this" "And?" "So...they will take me to her house and we will ask for her hand in marriage" "You are even afraid of talking to her but you want to marry her wow you are an idiot" Vijay frowned at Anand "How will you talk to her after marriage? Through sign language?" Anand laughed out loud as Vijay pushed him out of his way. "You're so annoying Anand" "You love me though" "Yeah that's the problem" Both of them chuckled "Hey hey can you show me her whatsApp profile pic" "Sure" Anand held out your picture to Vijay "She's so beautiful" Anand smiled at Vijay "I have never seen you this happy. I think it was a love at first sight" "I think so too" Vijay smiled looking at your picture.

Part 2....

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