On the set

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        You woke up to your phone ringing loudly in your ear . You took up your phone to see the caller id flashing vijay . You pick up the phone and answered it to be greeted with a warm good morning .

Vijay : good morning babe

You: hmmmmm.....good morning vijayyyy

Vijay : why are you dragging your words babe

You : because I woke up just now

Vijay : come on darling get ready I will pick you up from your home

You : alrighttttt

You rubbed off the sleep from your eyes and got ready and waited for vijay . A few minutes later there was a loud honk from outside . You picked up your handbag and locked your house door and left .
You opened the door to his car . You sat beside vijay who was in the driver's seat . You gave him a warm smile . He gave you a small peck on your lips .
"Vijay it's too early to kiss " "sorry babe you are too tempting " "really vijay stop flirting " . He just chuckled to himself and started the car .

On the set

You walked into the set with vijay following you closely . He gave you a kiss on the cheek when raashmika came out of her room . "Ooh I knew you guys would get together aahhh" "Oh my god raashmi get inside your room " . She gave you a goofy smile and went inside her room with you following her . Just after a few seconds the director called them for their scenes so they left . You followed raashmika to see their acting . They started to act when you came and stood there . While they were acting vijay got distracted by you and turned his head to see you and didn't see the rock in front of him and fell down . Luckily raashmika was there to help him . He helped him to his feet and the director gave them a little break . Before vijay could go to his room you went to his room and sat on a chair . After a few seconds he entered the room and saw you laughing holding your stomach . You noticed vijay and stopped laughing . "You got distracted by me didn't you " "haha very funny " "Yes indeed it is " . He came closer to you and kissed you fully on the lips to stop your laughing . You pulled away and started to laugh again . He pulled you to the sofa and started to tickle you . "Well you can laugh now darling " " vijay I am sorry please leave me I won't laugh again ". He released you and you both stared into each other's eyes and gave a small cute smile to each other .

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