Broken hearts

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       Vijay opened the door of the car as soon as the car stopped at Raashmika's guesthouse. He ran inside the house to find you . He ran upstairs and found you in one of the bedrooms. You sat there like a rock without movement and speech . Vijay's puffy red eyes looked at you . " See here sweetie I didn't mean anything let's go back to my home and talk out everything but please don't be silent like this . Come with me " . He tried to pull you up but you were stiff as a rock and did not let him to pull you up . Vijay noticed a little tear drop rolling down your rosy cheek . "Please don't cry baby . Let's go come with me " "have you seen your face you are the one who has red puffy eyes it's not me I will be fine I know how to move on without you in my life just get out I hate to see your face . You are just a lying piece of shit . Even the care you show towards me is a lie get lost " "honey you know I love you so much why would I act like I care for you I love you more than my life and you are saying I am a lie . Please come back to me " "I don't want to see your face anymore it's all over with you " "please (y/n) I love you a hell lot don't tell me to move on " . You went out of the bedroom and slammed the door. Vijay followed you outside . Vijay pulled you into a hug but you didn't hug him back . "Hug me back doll please don't do this to me " " I don't want to " you said with a hate filled voice . He let you go and went to kiss you on your lips . You pushed him away . "Get out vijay I need a break from you " "you just need a break will you get back with me after 1 year ?" "Let's see I will say that after 1 year " "ok (y/n) I will see you after 1 year be safe for me will you ?" "I will look after that just go " . Vijay left you and got into the car to go back to his house.

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