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         You were in Raashmika's guesthouse now . "I should have seen who I am falling in love with . I never thought that he was lying to me the whole time" you cried . Raashmika came into your room . "(Y/n) don't cry he didn't mean to . He thought you would never like him that's why he did this act . Moreover he never meant to hurt you " " I know that but he lied to me I can't trust him anymore he broke my trust and I gave my trust only to him " " I can understand you " . You both sat there in silence .

Meanwhile in vijay's house

She left me . I don't know what to do . I should have never lied to her like that .
He gulped a whole bottle of beer and cried painfully . He threw the bottle it hit on a wall and broke into a million pieces . Vijay sat there crying out his heart . "Aaaaaaaaaaaa" He screamed . He couldn't control the lose of you . There was a knock on his door . He got up in a second hoping that it would be you . When he opened it , it was raashmika. Raashmika saw his Red puffy eyes . " what is this vijay ? A broken glass bottle all over your place and this much beer bottles.  She wouldn't want to see you like this " " is she here where is she ? I want to hold her " " no vijay she is not here " soon after she said that vijay broke down.  "See here vijay I will convince her soon and I will make her come to you . You please don't drink " "okay I won't drink but I want to see her " "ok I will take you to her . You speak your heart out " . He cried the whole way to Raashmika's guesthouse. He hopped to hold you again in his arms and kiss you with his whole heart.

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