Stay (Vijay Devarakonda x reader)

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Warning: Smut

"What? But why?" Vijay raised his voice. You backed away from him "I-I just need a break" "What? Like from us what is wrong? Tell me the reason" "It's just... " "Is it those comments again? " "M-maybe" You sniffed and wiped the tears out of your face. "(Y/n) I told you not to pay attention to those of course some will talk bad about you, me..." He paused for a second "Us.. But it doesn't mean you should leave me it's just too much" "But I don't .. I don't know how to stop it Vijay it hurts everytime I look at those comments I can't take it I just want to go away" Vijay came closer to you. You turned away from him and were about to walk away. He held your wrist tightly "Don't leave me please stay" You sobbed for him to let you go. He pulled you closer. "Babe calm down" Vijay pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. You looked at him. "See now let's forget about everything that's disturbing you okay" "I can't" "You can baby I will make you forget those" Vijay bent to your height and kissed you on the lips. He picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his torso. Your hands wrapped around his neck. He continued to kiss you . His hands held your waist. You and Vijay pulled away for air. "Stay" You slowly nodded. He put you down. He pulled you to the bed. He sat down and pulled you to him. You sat on him with your legs on either side of him. He pushed your hair to one side. He started kissing your neck. You moaned a little which turned him on. He removed your top and then your bra. He bent you a little and started to suck on your breasts "V-vijay omg" You moaned out his name. He came back up and kissed you . He pushed you to the bed. He started to rub your nipples . You held onto his shoulders. You looked into his eyes and his eyes were shaded with lust and love. He smiled at you. He undressed himself and he pulled down your pants. Now you both were undressed. He turned you so that you were face first to the bed. His hands travelled down to your wet clit. He rubbed your clit gently as his other hand went around your neck and he pulled your face up to kiss you. Whatever he did to you was so hot. You smiled into the kiss. He inserted a finger into you as you moaned a little into the kiss. He added another finger which now made you moan a lot louder. He pulled away from the kiss and his hand was still around your neck choking you gently. He took out his fingers and licked off your juices .He turned you to face him as your chest heaved up and down . He wore a condom and pulled one of your leg and placed it over his shoulder. He entered you slowly. He came down to kiss you as he pumped in and out of you. You were both a moaning mess by the end of the great sex you just had. Vijay lay beside you. He pulled you closer to him. "Don't ever plan to leave me (y/n) please" "I won't" You smiled and put your head to his chest and slowly fell asleep. Vijay gently caressed your hair and kissed you on the forehead.

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