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    You were sitting in your room when raashmika came in . " (y/n) I m going to the set . Obviously vijay will be there too . Do you wanna come ? I don't know when ajay is loose it's not good to leave you alone "  " "Raashmi I will be fine don't worry you are worrying too much than vijay " she chuckles and leaves you . You go down to watch some series in netflix . You sit there for a few good hours when you fall asleep on the couch. You wake up after few hours you look around you . You are not in Raashmika's guesthouse this place isn't the place you fell asleep. You get down and observe the room it was a bedroom . A big bedroom. This room was really nice but whose room is this . You get some fear and you try to open the door and bash out but the door was locked . You go and sit on the bed and start to cry when the door opens to reveal ajay . You stand there shocked . He comes near you he nears you till you were lying on the bed . He kisses you on the lips . You push him away and go for the door . He grabs you by your waist and kisses you on the neck " let go of me you filthy shit asshole " " Oh little baby don't cry it's gonna take a few minutes and you will be all mine now be a good little daddy 's princess and lie on that bed " "what ? No let me go " you keep on struggling and kick him on his groin and run out . He doesn't waste time lying down there crying with pain . You are out of the door and you ran down the stairs to the main door and tried to open it but it was locked . Ajay soon came down and caught up with you . He put you on his shoulders and took you back to the bedroom.  You kept on kicking him but he was way too strong .

Vijay's p.o.v

      "Atlast a break " Raashmika laughed at my silliness. "Vijay let's video call (y/n) and talk to her " "ok that's a good idea raashmi " . I picked up my phone to video call (y/n) . It ringed for few minutes and (y/n) picked up or I thought.  Ajay's face came into view " Oh what a nice meet vijay it's always a pleasure to see you . You too raashmika" I  stood up from where i was sitting and started to shout " hey what did you do to (y/n) ? Leave her alone " " you think I am that dumb to leave a beautiful girl go just like that since the "vijay devarakonda "asked " He replied making quotations with his hand . Raashmika pushed me out of the way and screamed at him " hey if you don't let her go I am gonna kill you by cutting you into a several pieces " " Oh I am too scared . You think I would be just standing till you do that to me " while raashmika was shouting at him I started to observe the surroundings so that I could go to that place to save my baby . He soon cut the call . Raashmika was crying saying that it's all her fault . I sat beside her " Raashmi it's not your fault it's mine i should have picked her up and must have forced her to come here anyway I think I might have a clue of where they are " " really? " He took out his phone and showed a screenshot of ajay when he was talking in the video  call . " I actually think I know this place I have seen this place before " " ok where is it ?" " I think it's my old guesthouse I don't really know for sure but it sorta looked the same " " let's just check it out "

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