Sweet love life

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       Evening                                                                                       You went to the address that vijay gave you and knocked on the door . Soon vijay answered it . He pulled you inside . "Woah not so fast you could break my bone you know " " hehe...sorry" "ok why did you call me ?" "What I can't spend a day with my cute girlfriend " "Oh yeah yeah your cute girlfriend " "Come on sweety we have not spent a single day together since I told I love you " "Okay vijay what do you wanna do ?" "Before that , this is my home I am alone here come and live with me here is it okay for you (y/n)" "what ? This is so sudden I will think about it " "pleaseeeeee" "Okay okay I will move in you are too difficult sometimes vijay " "I know ". He gave you his goofy smile and you smiled with him too . You both stared into each other's eyes for a minute and came closer and he kissed you with a lot of passion that any girl could melt into it . "That arjun reddy has given you a lot of practice you know " "what ?" "You are a good kisser " "Yeah don't talk about that . Come babe let's go somewhere " " where ?" "I will show you " "okay". He took your hand and you both got into the car . Vijay put on the radio to enjoy some songs . Then your favourite song came 'idedho bagundi chali '. You smiled and said to vijay "I love this song and prabhas " "you are a fan of prabhas ?" "Yeah who couldn't be his fan he is such a sweetheart " "it's enough babe " " I smell jealousy " "Yeah it's from me " "you are so open vijay that's what I like in you I didn't even dream that I would love an actor I hated so much you know " "everything changes baby ".

After few minutes

"We are here " . You got off the car . Vijay soon came behind you and shut your eyes with his hands ."Vijay I can't see anything " "Come with me it's a surprise" . You walked a few distance and vijay let go of his hands from your eyes . The sight before you was wonderful . A place fully filled with flowers and a table and two chairs with food with candle in the middle ."Vijay it's beautiful " " I knew you would love it now let's enjoy ". You both sat down and had a wonderful dinner . "Thank you vijay " "it's ok (y/n)".

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