Angry birdie (Vijay Devarakonda x reader)

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You were waiting by the platform for Vijay. "Where is this idiot? He said he will be here like minutes before me now look I am standing here alone" You tried to call Vijay again. Two guys came up to you "Hello" A guy said to you "What do you want? " You frowned at him. He tried to touch you but you punched him on the face. The other guy pulled you by your wrist as you got even more angry and tried to punch him too before someone stopped you. You turned back to look at Vijay. He held you by your waist from behind. The guy scrambled up and both of them ran away before you could punch him again. Vijay let you go . He looked in shock at how you were on full rage . "(Y/n) why are always losing your temper? " "Shut up why are you always late" "Okay okay stop now come let's go phew I can't with you angry birdie" "What did you call me? " "I called you sweetie now can we go" "Hmm hmm" You walked beside him to his car.

This is so short and a shitty one but I will make a good one next . I actually chose a gif for this one and got some error while posting it here so had to make it short sorry will make a good imagine next time 🥲🥲🥲🥲

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