The save

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      Ajay pulled you towards him you pushed him away but he won't go . He held your face in his hands "you think your knight in shining armor will come and save you he will never come I am gonna make you mine even before he comes here you will be mine and you know what he can't do anything after that " saying that he started to touch you . His hands travelled down your shirt to your breast you pushed him and ran away from him . You kept on running in that big house wherever you can run . You hid in a corner where he couldn't see you . You somehow got your phone from him in all the ruckus . You quickly dialled vijay's no. Vijay soon answered " v-v-vijay save me where are you he is trying to rape me please come fast " you cried and cried " baby baby don't cry I m coming don't worry I will come I will come for sure baby don't cry he won't do anything to you "

Vijay's p.o.v

  While raashmi and I were going to get in the car I got a phone call . I heard my baby cry which broke me I consoled her and got in the car . I drove to my old guesthouse. Raashmika and I got down " how are we gonna get in vijay " " come this way I know a way " I went around the house to a door which was hidden behind two big trees raashmika and I went around those trees and opened the door and went in . It was a storage room and there was another door which leads to the hallway .

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

     I hid in that corner when ajay spotted me and before I could run he caught me by my arm . He tore my shirt and threw it across the big hall . He started to kiss my neck . I pushed him but it was still of no use when a door behind us opened I was relieved to see vijay and Raashmika. Ajay pushed me behind him .
" Hey friends what came to save your princess she is not yours anymore " " shut the fuck up " . Vijay pounced on him and beat him over and over . Raashmika came to me and took a extra shirt from her bag . I wore it and hugged raashmika . She noticed my tears and wiped them with her hand . Vijay and ajay started to punch and fight . Vijay picked him up by his collar and threw him down and kicked him. " Vijay it's enough let's go " I cried to him . He came to me and gave me a tight hug I cried into his shirt . We three left the house with a bloody ajay on the floor . Before we could go he gave an evil smirk . We got into the car and Raashmika said to vijay that he was too emotional right now and said that she will drive . We both got in the back seat . I hugged vijay for my dear life . He kissed me on the forehead . He kissed my cheek and said that it was all okay . You lay your head in his chest and heard his heartbeat which made you to sleep . You  opened your eyes to see vijay beside you and you in his arms in vijay's room and all your luggages in the room . You turned your head to see vijay sleeping . You kissed him on his cheek and he woke up . He kissed you and his thumb caressed your waist . Vijay got up with you still wrapped in his arms . You moved closer to him and wrapped your small hands around his neck . He moved you into his lap and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You could feel him getting hard . But then you stopped kissing " Babe you are such a tease " " vijay you know I am a Virgin I want this to be special " " I understand (y/n) I will wait your kiss is always the best " you laughed at him . He brought you close to him and you both cuddled with each other .

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