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I would like if you guys point out any mistakes I make it would be a great help.
3rd person P.O.V
By the time she regained her consciousness, she was beside a well in a forest. She slowly got up and turned in a full circle to look around. {Note: the well she got pushed into was in a temple}

'What the hell wasn't I in a temple before,' she thought while scratching her head.
'Does this mean it worked?' A happy smile found its way onto her face.

She leaned over the edge of the well and shouted, "THANKS FOR PUSHING ME DOWN THE WELL YOU ASSHOLE!"

She moved away from the well and placed her hands on her hips. "Now to find a way out of here. Those are some huge ass trees I can probably climb one and see my way out"

She walked towards one of the trees and rubbed her hands together. 'Let's see what I got' she gripped a bump on the tree and lifted herself, placing one of her feet onto another bump to keep herself steady. She slowly climbed and gradually got at least 5 feet off the ground.

When she placed a hand on another bump she felt a prick on her finger, being the drama queen that she is, she took her hands off the tree and screeched in pain. "Ah frick this hurts so much." By the time she realized what she had done it was already too late. She fell off the tree.

She hit her back on the ground, 'it's a good thing I was only 5 feet up' that was her thought as she laid crumpled on the ground groaning in pain. She laid there for about 2 minutes when suddenly she no longer felt a pain in her back. She flew to her feet in surprise and stretched her body. It didn't hurt, her face lit up in surprise.

'It's getting dark I can think about that later, right now I need to find a place to stay.' She took another look around and chose a random direction, as she started her trek in that direction while silently reassuring herself that it was the right direction.

It turns out her luck was great, after 37 minutes of slowly walking without a break she came across a house. She ran towards the house and gave it several knocks. "Hello is anyone home?" It was now already dark outside with the moon as her only source of light and she was getting scared. She gave the door a few more thumps, it seemed as if no one was gonna open the door so she started to walk away dejectedly.

A sudden creak which was caused by the door made her stop in her tracks and turn around. In front of her was a little boy about 5 years old who seemed scared out of his mind. He was shaking like a leaf while holding onto the door keeping it slightly open to see who was there. She walked towards him and crouched down to his height. "Hello there are your parents home?" she made sure to speak softly as to not frighten him. Her words seem to have the opposite effect because the poor little thing started to sob as tears ran down his face.

He suddenly launched himself onto her and wrapped his arms loosely around her neck and cried into her chest. Her 3 years of babysitting experience struck her as she lifted him into her arms and stood up. She patted his back and sung him a little lullaby.
Before she could finish singing the tense body in her arms slowly relaxed as she heard little snores.

Thinking that since he came out of the house like that there was something wrong. She couldn't help but be hesitant to go inside, but she couldn't just stay out there and have them both freeze to death so she cautiously poked her head in and looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so she walked in and closed the door behind her, making sure to place the latch down properly.

She held the boy lightly in her arms as to not wake him up and slowly walked around searching for a bedroom. She needn't search for long because the house was small and cozy with only a kitchen and 3 rooms. She pushed open the Shoji doors, walked into the room, closed the doors, and placed the little boy on a big futon that was already laid out. She was gonna find another room for herself when a little hand gripped her clothing.

She decided to not leave the little boy that seemed scared out of his mind and instead chose to lay down beside him and pull him into her arms. Even though she was unconscious for a while her body felt exhausted and she felt mentally drained so she wished the little boy goodnight and closed her eyes before falling into a deep sleep.

Unbeknownst to her, a pair of eyes were following her the whole time.

The person in the shadows made a noise of complaint. There was a marechi here in front of him but he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't kill the child either, it would go against his promise to himself. At least he got to see something interesting, he made another sound of annoyance, took another glance at the two people again then left.
I know it ain't 1000 words but if I had added more it would mess up the rest of the chapters. Well, tell me what you think about the book if you wanna and again if you see any mistakes please do tell. It helps a lot.

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