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The uneventful days had finally come to an end. It was now time for the Kamaboko squad to set out on their next mission.


Y/n and Kuna stood at the gate seeing the boys off.
"Be careful out there Tanjiro-kun."

The boy smiled at her and gave a nod.
"Don't worry Y/n-san, we'll be fine!"

"Zenitsu-san, please don't stay awake too long."
The boy seeming a bit embarrassed and wanting to say something nodded at her.
"Hai, Y/n-chan!"

Y/n gave a close-eyes smile to the boar head wearing boy.
"Good luck to you too Inosuke-san."

To her expectations, he didn't take these words very well. Veins became prominent in his face and he screamed at her.
"Huuuuh! The Great Inosuke-sama doesn't need luck! I can beat those monsters in three seconds flat!"

Y/n waved her hand dismissively.
"If you say so, now farewell. We'll definitely see each other soon."

The boys went on their way as the siblings watched them disappear over the horizon.

"You know, I'm kind of wondering if I should sneak out with them to see Akaza but I'm sure my weak ass would die."

She was snapped out of her thoughts by Kuna.
"Nee-chan? Why did you have to send them off?"

It seemed that the boy had slowly grown jealous of others being in her presence. Not that she minded that much, as she didn't really like conversations, but knowing how anime logic works she guessed there was a slight chance of him turning yandere.

She pinched his cheek lightly.
"It's common courtesy to send someone off. Also they are our friends, we've been with these people for three months. The least we could do is send our friends off."

Y/n lets go of his reddened cheek. Kuna rubbed at his cheek and uttered.
"Whatever, I don't even like being here I just want us to go back to Akaza-nii. Why do we have to stay here anymore? They already saved us! Shouldn't nii-chan come for us now? Did he...abandon us?"

Seeing how dejected he became after that sentence. Y/n got to her knees so she could look him in the eye and she said.

"Kaza-kun would never do anything like that. I swear to you he would never abandon us and you can ask him for yourself when we see him again. We are bound to see him again you know. He's family!"

Kuna's eyes filled with tears at the mention of family, the tears rapidly rolled down his face and he started to wail. Y/n's gaze on him softened and she hugged him around his shoulders to press them closer together.

"There, there. It's okay, darling. Let it all out."

She patted his back softly while he cried.
The author decided to drop the book. Sorry to you people who were looking forward to the ending. I mean I was looking forward to the ending as well but damn, the author is one lazy ass bitch istg I hate them fr. We been waiting for the ending for a whole ass year. Like how dare they make me wait so long for an ending just to give me this shit!

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now