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Akaza went back to the house in a hurry. Why did he not deal with the demon faster and check up on Y/n and Kuna?

He saw Y/n staring at her leg in confusion. "Y/n are you okay? Where's Kuna?" He cautiously approached her, would she hate him now?

Y/n shook her head to get out of her trance, "help me up." She raised her hand in front of Akaza. Looking at her hand, he reluctantly grasped it and pulled her off the floor.

"Did you get hurt?" Y/n shook her head.

"It's best not to say anything about my wound."

"I'm fine. Help me to Kuna's room." He put an arm around her waist and carried her down the pathway.

"She's so soft." If he could blush maybe he would be as red as a tomato.

"Kuna, nee-chan is here." She alerted him of her presence first before opening the doors.

Kuna took his head from his knees and looked in her direction. Seeing her and Akaza he got up, rushed towards her, and hugged her waist.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you!" Giving a little smile she patted him on the head. "It's okay, Kaza-kun saved us. See I'm fine." Her garments felt a bit damp.

"Did I piss myself?" She looked on blankly, then remembered that a child was crying in her clothes. "Oh, it's tears."

"Really I'm fine see."

After calming down Kuna and making sure he was okay they all sat down to talk.

Y/n stared at Akaza expectantly. "I could help him out but it's great to see him squirm. He looks so cute when he's awkward."

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

"No. Should I be?" Y/n put a palm to her chin and leaned her arm on her leg.

"Did you not see what I just did!"

"Did I?"

Akaza was getting a bit angry. Was she just playing with him or did she really not see.

Kuna looked between the two. "Don't be angry, Y/n-nee is just shaken up."

"Ok, ok. I'll explain myself. You see the reason I'm not scared is that I have no reason to be. I'm pretty sure you were a demon since day one when we first met and you didn't harm me in any way then, so why should I be scared now? Weren't you just trying to protect us?"

"You knew I was a demon?!"

Didn't people normally think demons were just myths? Why did Y/n believe in them before she had this incident? If she knew about them why was she walking alone in the woods that day?

"Of course I knew, do you see your appearance? You have pink hair, do you see your eyes and the fangs! You also avoid the sun! You could've just been a cosplaying weeb but I doubted that on the first day."

Y/n waved her arms around as she spoke.

"So you knew and you didn't run or stay far away?" He was starting to believe this girl was getting crazier and crazier.

"Call it a hunch but I knew you wouldn't hurt me. This is once again a lie, I just know stuff that I shouldn't."

"What the hell are you even saying?"

Y/n perked up, "are we changing the subject now?"

"It's my native language. I can teach it to you if you want."

"Kuna wants to learn!"

Grabbing his hands, Y/n and Kuna stood up, "it could be our little secret language. Unless someone else here already knows it, then that would be bad."

Shaking his head, Akaza sighed. It's better to leave them alone in their own little world, they looked too cute to be disturbed anyways.

Glancing at him from the corner of her eye Y/n fist-bumped herself. "He finally dropped it!"

The limping and stuff is because this wound was a bit more severe so even though it healed up there is still a bit of pain. (or maybe she's limping because of something else *insert Lenny*). WHY DOES Y/N SEEM SO SADISTIC?!

I feel like I'm slowly writing a modern-day story instead of a sophisticated 1800's story. Ye, I need to work on that 😅

I feel greatly motivated this time around and I seriously owe you guys these chapters so here it is another chapter. I started school three days ago so updates are gonna be slower than usual. I'm already packed with assignments 🗿

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now