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Y/n was surprised to hear that her presence was needed at the Ubuyashiki residence once more. She had already used her "predictions" for the day.

The kakushi that came to get her didn't communicate with her much and treated her in a respectful manner. When at the residence, the kakushi bowed to Y/n respectfully and left her to gather her bearings and greet the master.

"Hello Ubuyashiki-san, is there any reason in particular that I was summoned?"

The head of the household seemed to be hesitant with the words that were about to flow from his lips.

"This may be a bit too much to ask from you, but L/n-san.....please follow my children to complete this mission. I know this is too mu-"

Y/n zoned-out completely while Kaguya was explaining his reasons. "Bro, hold up, you want me a weak sauce chicken who can't even breath right to go help a bunch of kids fight demons? I mean it's not like I didn't want to go but still isn't your logic a bit flawed here?!"

"-ase help my children!"

Y/n came back to her senses when she realized the revered Kaguya Ubuyashiki was kowtowing to her. She hurriedly got forward to help him up.

"Of course, I'll help. It's the least I can do, however I won't guarantee the safety of the slayers and if my life is in danger I'll run away first."

Kaguya smiled at her solemnly and nodded in understanding.


Y/n and Kuna were being escorted by the kakushi unto a train and as plot armour would have it, it turned out to be the same train that the main cast boarded.

The kakushi bowed to them, "we'll be on our way now L/n-san, you will now be in the care of our Flame Hashira."

"Like he can even take care of me. Poor dude can't even take care of himself."

"Right! Thank you very much!"

They waved goodbye and went in the compartments to search for the main cast and the soon to be donut man.

They soon found the main trio and the future donut. The main trio were currently getting freaked out by the Hashira who was currently eating and hadn't introduced himself properly.

"Kuna don't get too close, it's probably contagious."

Y/n kept Kuna behind her and stared at the Hashira in exasperation. She cleared her throat loudly to get their attentions. The first to snap out of the disgust was surprisingly Zenitsu, unfortunately he entered a delusion moments after.

"Pretty lady!"

He ran forward to hug her, but unluckily for him, Kuna saw this and moved from behind Y/n to kick him in the nuts.

"Don't touch my nee-chan!"

Y/n sighed at the attention the rest of the passengers were now giving her and the demon slayers. Demon slayers were always eccentric, no matter how normal they may seem.

"Y/n-san, what are you doing here?"

Before the girl could go into a rant about how irresponsible their leader was, the compartment lights started to flicker. Y/n sighed, found a seat, and pulled Kuna closer to her.

"Let's just say I'm here to help."


It's a short chapter again and poorly done, love you guys frfr <3
Anyone have any demons for a new x reader for one of the demons in Demon Slayer? I'm getting a bit bored with writing and having multiple things to write about makes me more motivated.

The fact that I can read my stories without cringing feels very nice ngl. I used to cringe at the stories that I wrote when I was 11-13. The timeline is so fricked up tho like no joke, I'm sure you guys thought Rengoku died already. I'm just winging it atp. I'd rather stick to the anime than the manga to avoid "spoilers".

Ooc Kaguya who?

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