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As Tanjiro calmed down, his senses were engulfed with the scent of a demon. He looked in the direction where the scent was most prominent and to his surprise, it was that Y/n girl.

Was she a demon? He shook that thought out of his head. No, she could walk in the sun. Then is she colluding with a demon? If so how is she still alive? He could tell this demon wasn't like Nezuko. The stench was too much, it was obvious this demon had eaten many. Was she a spy?

Instead of voicing out his thoughts, Tanjiro calmed himself, even if she was a spy, and led that demon here. He was certain that the Demon Slayer Corps could deal with it. Besides sending everyone into a panic over something he wasn't sure of isn't exactly the best course of option.

He disregarded everything else, went forward, and knelt in front of Kagaya. "Nezuko and I will defeat Muzan Kibutsuji! We will do it for sure!"

Kagaya looked at him and gave a closed-eyed smile then said, "As you're not ready for that yet, Tannjiro, let's start by defeating a Twelve Kizuki, all right?"

Tanjiro's face went as red as a tomato. "Yes, sir!"

Y/n looked at the Hashira who were holding in their laughter. She once again drowned out Kagaya's speech to Tanjiro.

Shaking her head, Y/n said out loud, "I believe in you and Nezu-chan, Tan-kun. Wait can I call you that? Eh, I'm gonna call you that anyway." Tanjiro wasn't even given a chance to voice his thought on the matter. He smiled at her, "thank you, miss."

Sanemi looked in her direction in anger, did she not hear to treat them with respect?

"Do I look like an aunty to you? Call me Y/n!" She then looked at Sanemi, "and you stop looking at me like I owe you something. I am no demon slayer so I can say whatever I want. I also don't care if any of you saved my life. I sure as hell didn't say I wanted to stay alive!"

Tanjiro sweatdropped, "ok Y/n"

"Not another one. Why can't Akaza-nii come take us away from here? Too many guys are here."

"Tanjiro, we have concluded our discussion with you. You may step back."

Shinobu raised a hand and volunteered herself, "In that case please allow Kamado-san to stay at my mansion."She clapped her hands together. "All right, then! Take them away please!"

A kakushi ran towards Nezuko's box. As Nezuko turned to face her she backed away. Seeing this as her chance Y/n bent down, placed Kuna on the ground and put her arms on the box then lifted, well-tried to lift. A constipated look came onto her face as she huffed in irritation. "Curse these weak sauce noodle arms!" She backed away and allowed the Kakushi to retrieve the box.

Another Kakushi rushed towards Tanjiro, bowed to the Hashira and Kagaya, then grabbed Tanjiro by the collar and rushed away with him. The kakushi with Nezuko's box followed suit. "Well then. I'll be on my way as well." Y/n got Kuna onto her back and started to follow them to the Butterfly Mansion.

"Excuse me. Y/n-san we have not yet discussed your conditions so please stay a moment and we will lead you towards a room after." She stopped in her tracks and looked back. Sighing she sat down beside Uzui and crossed her leg over the other. "Criss-cross apple sauce." And placed Kuna to sit in her lap. Just as they were about to bring up her situation, Tanjiro rushed back around the corner with the two Kakushi on his trail. "Please allow me to head-butt that man covered in scars! I gotta-"

The kakushi pinned him down and hit him multiple times, telling him to shut up. He did quite the opposite and once again asked to head-butt Sanemi for injuring Nezuko. Three pebbles flew forward and hit him in the face. Knocking him down.

Muichiro, the one who threw the pebbles said, "interrupting the Master is quite rude."

"I'm surprised those pebbles didn't break. What are they made out of? Steel?"

"Just leave now."

The two kakushi retrieved Tanjiro and ran away.

"As I was saying, regarding the two siblings, they were brought here by Giyuu." All the Hashira turned to look at Giyuu in unison.

Raising a hand, Mitsuri asked, "If I may Master? Why would they be brought here?"

Kuna pouted, "Ye, our house was perfectly safe."

With a rather 'I'm done with this shit' look Giyuu explained, "I found the girl being attacked by a demon and saved her. She ran off after I told her to come with me to safety-"

"Stranger danger, did you expect me to go into the woods alone with you?"

Giyuu ignored her and continued, "I tailed her and we came across a house and that's where we found him."

Kuna cried out, "I don't want to be here. I want to go back to the house where I can be with Akaza-nii and Y/n-nee!"

Patting him on the head Y/n said, "it's okay we'll be back to the house in no time. Kaza-kun won't miss us too much."

Mitsuri asked, "excuse me Y/n-san, who is Akaza-san?"

"Oh fuck this is gonna haunt me later but-" She blushed and said, "Akaza is my fiance."

"Ooo a fiance, Tomioka-san how could you bring her away from her fiance!" Mitsuri seemed a bit angry. She seemed to remember she was in her Master's presence and apologized to him, "Master, forgive me."

"Then Ms. Y/n would it be fine to stay here with us for a while and allow us to sort out your situation properly?"

Y/n nodded, "of course, I'm fine with it. Kuna?"

"Wherever nee-chan goes, Kuna goes as well."

"Well then since that's settled who would you like to stay with?"

"We want to go to that Butterfly Lady's house!" Realizing what she did, she apologized, "I'm sorry for pointing at you."

"Oh that's just fine," Shinobu called on a few more kakushi. "Lead them to the mansion please."

The kakushi that carried them here came forward, apologized to everyone, and held out their hands to Kuna. "Oh, I apologize he doesn't like to leave my side. I shall carry him, myself."

Y/n rose to her feet with Kuna in her arms. "Well then lead the way." The trio exited the grounds and was on their way.

"Now that's settled, let us begin the Hashira Meeting."


I would like to ask my readers why all of you are so horny. Go to horny jail. Go touch some grass XD

It may look like I'm targeting Sanemi but I swear I'm not. I love the dude.

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now