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"Nee-chan, wake up, Kuna's hungry!" Kuna poked Y/n in her side. 

Y/n turned on her side and let out a yawn, "go to sleep, it's late."

Kuna pouted and said, "but Kuna's hungry!" 

She sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "fine, fine I'll get to cooking."

Y/n took out the ingredients and started making tempura(vegetables/seafood fried in light batter). Kuna sat obediently and waited for his food. "Did you even go to sleep after Akaza left?"

Kuna guiltily looked down into his clasped hands and replied, "No. Kuna was keeping nee-chan safe so Kuna couldn't sleep on the job." 

Y/n sighed, then patted him on the head. "hai, hai I understand. Just make sure to get some sleep." He nodded his head.

Serving Kuna the tempura, Y/n waited until he finished eating before tucking him back into bed.

She sighed, "I've been sighing a lot lately. I think I need a break." Y/n headed outside for a quick walk. After walking for a while she came to a river. Hearing a growl behind her, Y/n spun around in shock only to find a lanky creature with a spider's facial feature.

"Why the fuck am I always getting attacked by demons!" Before she could lose her life, a man in a discoloured haori came out of nowhere and chopped off the demon's head with a sword.

Y/n looked at the man that just saved her life. "Is that Giyuu, wait did he ever go on a mission here? Which mountain even is this! Wait that demon he just killed, it had the appearance of a spider. Don't tell me we've been living beside Mt. Natagumo this whole time? We could've died!" 

After sorting her thoughts, Y/n bowed her upper half towards Giyuu in gratitude. "Thank you for saving my life, now if you'll excuse me." she started skipping back into the direction of the house.

"She almost died, shouldn't she be at least a bit shaken up?"

Giyuu reached his hand out, "excuse me miss, this area isn't safe so would you please follow me this way."

He watched as she slowly turned around, looked him in the eye, then said, "no thanks!"

He looked in the direction she skipped with a look of disbelief and followed behind. A house come into view, then the girl opened the door, and he saw a little boy standing there holding a stuffed cat toy.

"So is that why she refused to follow, because she has a little brother that was left alone at home?" 

Y/n crouched down and lifted Kuna, "I'm sorry, I should've waited until morning so I could take you with me on the walk. I'll try not to do it again but it's up to the author if I'll do stupid stuff again. So no promises." She wiped away his tears.

Kuna sniffled and raised his pinky towards her, "promise?" Y/n raised her pinky and locked it with his, "I said no promises but I promise." 

Giyuu walked out and alerted them of his presence. "Please follow me so we can get you to safety."

Y/n looked at him and nodded, " I was gonna go with you anyways. I just couldn't leave my little brother behind. Anyways lead the way." 

On the Kuna looked at the man beside Y/n. "Another one? I only accepted nii-san being close to Y/n-nee why is there another one?" He couldn't help but voice out a bit of his thoughts. "Nee-chan, why are we following this man?" 

Taking a glance at Giyuu, Y/n replied, "it's because he saved nee-chan from a demon. He kept me safe, like Akaza-kun. We are following him because where we lived isn't safe anymore."

"You know about demon slayers?" Giyuu was shocked, to say the least, how did she know about demon slayers?

"Of course I know about demon slayers. Why do you think I wasn't that shocked after my encounter with a demon? Also, do you think I'll just follow some random ass man into the woods. Without having some reassurance or without trusting the place he works for?" 

"I see." Giyuu looked on and continued on his way, with them following behind.


I'M PUMPED! I know Y/n was being stupid by just walking out at night but I needed a way to get her from this mountain. I had to make a spider demon Oc that Giyuu tracked down after killing Rui so this interaction could happen. This story is finally reaching a plot. Sorry no Akaza this chapter.

I've changed my update schedule to fit with my school and study time. So I'll just write and post anytime I can.

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now