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When Y/n woke up she sat up and looked around in confusion, "where am I?"
She then recalled that someone pushed her down a well and now she was here. She hurriedly glanced to her side to make sure the little boy was still there. After confirming that he was okay she slowly got up as to not wake him. Just as she thought she succeeded in not waking the child, a small arm grabbed at her clothing.

She looked into the face of the little boy only to see that tears were welling up in his eyes, before she could process anything at the moment. The child launched himself into her arms and wrapped his arms around her waist, "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE KUNA!"

"Who's Kuna? Could it be this child's name?" Staring at the little person in her arms she slowly hugged him back and tried to comfort him. "I won't leave please don't cry," she said this without a thought of her own condition that brought her here. Kuna only buried his head into her chest and sobbed harder at this sentence.

The two stayed there like this for another three minutes before the boy's sobs started to wane. Seeing that the child was physically okay but mentally exhausted, Y/n slowly stood up and placed his head on her shoulder then walked out of the room. She closed the Shoji doors behind her and went in the direction of the kitchen.

'I need to make something so we don't starve to death.' She checked the tansu(a cupboard of sorts) for any supplies and was surprised to see it fully stocked. 'Did the gods know I was worried and hungry,' anime tears strolled down her cheeks with the thought. She placed the boy down and reassured him that she wasn't gonna go anywhere and was only looking for food to feed both of them.

Kuna stared at the lady in confusion. What was she saying?

"Nee-chan, Kuna can't understand you."

He stared at her with pitiful eyes. Y/n's eyes lit up and she repeated what she said in Japanese, Kuna nodded his head in understanding, he was also hungry-he hadn't eaten for a whole day.

"Nee-chan, Kuna wants Soba."

The boy gripped her sleeve and shyly asked for his favorite dish, Y/n gazed at him and tried not to pinch his cheeks.

"Ok, nee-chan will make you Soba."

Normally she wouldn't call herself this but it was clear the little boy needed some stability or he would most likely break down again. Keeping an eye on his expression she removed the hand from her sleeve and looked through the tansu for Kikouchisoba(buckwheat flour), after successfully finding some she got to work.

Making the soba from scratch was quite challenging but the studying she did -of Japanese culture- was paying off. After making the barely presentable noodles, she somehow got a fire starting and placed a pot filled with water over it. Realizing that she hadn't checked up on Kuna after starting her task, she hurriedly placed the noodles in and covered the pot.

Cleaning her hands thoroughly Y/n turned around to face the child only to see him peering at her, she walked towards him, crouched down to his height, and hugged him. In her heart, she felt that he needed the affection, little arms circled her neck and hugged her back tightly. Her eyes softened and she stood with him on her hip.

Glancing towards the pot with the soba noodles she searched for two jujubee bowls and two pairs of chopsticks. Placing the bowls and chopsticks on the Chabudai(a low table used for eating, etc,). She placed two Zabuton(cushions) side by side and placed the boy on one, while she took the other.

The five minutes needed to wait on the soba was torture. Trying to make small talk Y/n opened her mouth to ask Kuna some questions. "How old are you?" The child in question raised four fingers. 'My guess was close enough.' 

"What's your name?"

The boy glanced at her with a timid look then whispered "Kuna's name is Kuna." She could partly understand why he was so shy about his name, after all, it was one that belonged to the female variety. Hesitant to ask him any triggering questions she introduced herself in return.

"The name's Y/n L/n and I'm 17 years old it's great to meet you." Her eyes curved with her smile as she introduced herself. She suddenly remembered about the soba as hunger started to bother her. Glancing at the pot she stood up once again and headed towards it. 'At this rate, my knees are gonna break off.' Going through the needed procedures she dished out the soba for both herself and the child.

Placing the bowls down she sat down in a seiza(sitting on the knees) position and broke both pairs of chopsticks. Giving Kuna his, she placed her hands together, Kuna stared at her and imitated both her way of sitting and her clasping of hands.

"Thank you for the food."

"Thank you for the food."

The child also copied the saying of grace. Faced with such a child, Y/n thought he was quite cute. She tasted the soba 'this is so bland, why didn't I use paste it's soooo bad' her thoughts reflected on her expression as her eyebrows scrunched up and she seemed to be in pain. Having no other choice but to eat or starve to death Y/n finished her meal quickly.

Placing the chopsticks on the bowl she glanced in the boy's direction only to ne surprised at the sight. He hadn't even started eating, at first, she thought he hated the look of the noodles but her worries were calmed when she realized he just had trouble using the chopsticks, staring at him with amusement she couldn't stop the giggle that escaped her. Feeling quite sorry for him she took the chopsticks from his hands and fed him herself.

Chewing the bite then swallowing his little face got even cuter as he smiled "Thank you nee-chan."

'AHHHH! HE'S SO CUUUUTE WHY THE HELL IS HE SO CUTE!' Maintaining her calm expression on the outside, Y/n's brain went into turmoil.

After finishing the meal she cleaned the utensils, took the boy's hand in her own, and started exploring the house. In a room that seemed to belong to the parents a rather large shoji wardrobe was there, after opening the wardrobe Y/n's sight was filled with haoris, yukatas, jinbei, kimonos, and hakkamas.


Sorry for the late update but I lost motivation for a while, it's back now. Once again please point out my mistakes if you see any. I have a writing style that barely consists of dialogues so at times I will mostly stick to one focus as I did in this chapter. If you see anything that doesn't make sense please point it out for me.

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