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"I'm fucked."

Kuna was now asleep and she was pretty sure Akaza was waiting to interrogate her on everything she knew about demons. Who was she to not answer him? If Akaza wants to know anything, then he can. Even if it's personal.....she held her cheek in her hand as a means to hide her flushed appearance.

Akaza leaned against the wall and sized Y/n up. "So are you going to start explaining?"

"Explain what, exactly?"

Akaza put a hand to his forehead in irritation. "Stop playing dumb with me! Do I really need to explain this? If that's the case let me just ask you a few simple questions that you probably know the answer to."

"That I can do." She quickly agreed to his proposition.

"Did you know that demons eat only humans?"

Y/n nodded in conformation.

"You knew this yet you still made me eat it? You even gave it to me with a smile on your face!"

She shrugged and said, "I thought you guys could eat normal food as well and just needed humans for nutrition."

"Then the flower, did you lie about the flower?"

"Yes, I did."

"Then where can I find one?"

Y/n crossed her arms and shook her head, "why should I tell you anything about that?"

Akaza sighed and sat down in front of her. "Can you please tell me where I can find one?" Hearing him ask like this made Y/n grumble.

"This isn't fair, you're using your hotness against me."

"Of course I'll tell you where it is, just promise you won't leave us behind."

Akaza felt his heart tighten, "aren't I already dead? This doesn't make any sense."

"Where did you get that idea?"

"The first day, you asked about that stupid flower, its obvious that as soon as you get it you'll leave." Y/n crossed her arms above her chest and pouted.

"I see your logic. I promise I won't leave."

"Ok so listen carefully cause I'll only say it once. The flower that you want only blooms in the day, once a year and it stays like that for 2-3 days."

Akaza placed his chin between his thumb and forefinger. "So its practically impossible to find unless we wish to die?"

"Great now that, that's settled let's eat!"

Akaza snapped out of his trance and waved his arms in front of his face. "I can't eat human food. Remember?"

"Of course I remember but you should definitely still eat it. If you eat it I'll forgive you." She said with a smile, that didn't really resemble one.

Akaza sulked, "I understand."

"Yaaay! Now open up!" She raised the chopsticks to his mouth. Akaza opened his mouth to eat the food that tasted like dirt.

"Why is Y/n-nee feeding nii-chan can't he feed himself?" Kuna pouted.

"Nee-chan can you feed Kuna?"

Y/n took a different pair of chopsticks and responded, "Of course I can, now open wide."

Akaza sighed in relief, "thanks for the help kid."

Y/n blinked in confusion, "did this food appear out of nowhere?"

Akaza blinked and tried to remember where it came from, then replied, "I think it did."

Y/n's eyes sparkled, "Cool, anime logic finally came through!"


Akaza: "answer my questions!"

Y/n: "anything for you, Daddy ;)"

Kuna: "Akaza-nii was nee-chan's father?😮"

Y/n: "Oh shi-"

Reeka: "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life?" 🗿

I just felt like ending it in that way XD.

I'm so excited to start writing about her and Kuna's interactions with Demon Slayer Corps. I feel like Y/n's personality is all over the place. I know that Y/n should just be blank so I'm trying to base her off 14-20-year-olds so I at least know what to write. I try to add in as much personality as I can so most people feel like Y/n is a projection of themselves.

Which I know they probably still won't see her as I myself don't see myself as Y/n when reading or watching anything with a reader-insert.

I know I haven't done many flashback scenes and that's simply because I have something else in mind. That god that was met in earlier chapters. He doesn't have much of a script either 😀. He's just there for the plot. He's our plot armor 😸

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now