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Let's see everything that happened from Kuna's point of view. 🛑Short Chapter🛑

Kuna closed the door behind him and sat on the floor. He knew they weren't going to return, in his heart he knew. They never cared much for him, the stuff he had now were merely for show, how could they be so rich yet have a son that looks like he belongs in the slums? They only bought the things he has now so when people came over they wouldn't see the bad treatment he got.

He was used to being left alone for a whole day but it was evident they weren't going to return. How was he going to survive? He was only a child, he doesn't know how to do much. They didn't even leave any leftovers. How did they expect him to take care of himself? He was definitely going to die of starvation!

Hugging his knees and putting his head atop them he wondered, "what did I ever do to them? Why do they dislike me so much?" Tears trailed down his face as he continued to think about all the numerous possibilities. The last thought he whispered out loud, "was I never meant to be born?"

The thought alone hurt, but it explained a lot though. Why they never cared about him or why they left him alone without saying where they were going. Kuna laid down against the cold ground and slowly fell asleep.

A man could be seen pacing in worry. "Maybe I should pay him a little visit. No, wait that's against the rules. But he's just a little kid. Ah!" Stopping in his tracks Lui pulled at his hair. "I just remembered I'm a freaking Deity and that means I can do whatever the hell I want. Just to be on the safe side I'll visit him in his dreams."

Prying into the sleeping boy's consciousness, instead of seeing a world filled with bright colors, as he was hoping to see, all he saw was the lone figure of Kuna sitting in the dark. Approaching Kuna, he put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey kid, you okay?"

"Stupid Lui, stupid, of course, he's not okay he was practically abandoned after being neglected all his life. Why did we even leave him with those people?" Lui felt like punching himself in the face for his stupid question.

Kuna raised his head and stared at the stranger, "who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm your fairy godmother. Just kidding, I'm just some random assho- person here to help you out."

"Is there something with me?"

"Not at all kid, why would you think that?" "You're just on a stupid question streak today aren't ya Lui?"

"Why don't my parents want me then? Why did they abandon me?"

"Your parents couldn't see that they got the best kid in the world but other people will. Would you believe me if I told you that you are here to accompany a very nice lady? I'm sure she'd love to be your family!"
Kuna wrapped his arms around Lui and shed a few more tears.

Lui raised from the ground and patted Kuna on the head."Don't worry kid, you'll be able to get the family you always wanted. Just hold on until then okay?"

He left Kuna's consciousness and sighed exasperatedly.

"Looks like I made the right decision then. I wish I could help him a bit more, I just hope Andy doesn't find out about this."

"Also, I'm never having kids they're too much work."
Right so explanation time. Kuna can speak in the first person but he mostly does this when he is really emotional. He is also a bit mature for his age because of the treatment he got as a child, he'll mostly act childish around Y/n and Akaza.

For the parents, the reason why they would leave him for a whole day was simply because they had another house that was grand elsewhere. They had to stay in this house at the foot of the mountains because the dude told them to take care of Kuna there.

There's most likely a shit ton of mistakes in here so please tell me if you see em.

Sorry again for the late chapter but I was a bit busy. I had to get up extra early to finish my chores on time so I could make this chapter. BYE, I SHALL NOW SLEEP.

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