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"Akaza-donno, have you finally decided to start eating women?" A tall, muscular demon grinned as he questioned the shorter male. Seemingly annoyed at the question Akaza delivered a quick punch to his face which blew off half his head.

Using what was left of the lower half of his face the tall demon, Douma whined, "Why so mean, I was just asking because I could smell a woman on you since of late."

"I have been around them for a long time now. Is being too close to them putting them in danger? Has Muzan-sama realized as well?!"

He was(is) loyal to his master but the thought of Y/n or Kuna in danger made him feel fear, it also allowed him to realize that he would go against the said man who gave him what he always wanted.

Akaza was panicking on the inside but he managed to school his expression into an annoyed one.

"You're annoying!"

He couldn't help but feel angry every time he was in Douma's presence. The man disgusted him.

As if reading Akaza's thoughts Douma, with his newly recorded head, decided to touch on another one of Akaza's sore spots.

"Also smells like a marechi, maybe with this you can finally surpass me in terms of ranking." A provocative smile grew on his face while he continued to run his mouth.

"Is it even fucking possible to smell marechi blood without the person having a wound? Is her scent that addicting? But I don't seem to even notice it."

"Shut the hell up!" Douma's eyes lit up in surprise, Akaza doesn't normally resort to verbal aggression he would rather settle things with his fists.

"Oh my what's gotten into you today?" Checking to see that Akaza's facial expression was very dark Douma continued, "I'm your best friend you know, you can tell me anything."

All these words would have been very sweet and heartfelt if it wasn't for the fact that when he uttered these words there wasn't even a twinge of emotion, every word he said was empty. It was obvious that he could careless.

"Tch!" Akaza gave Douma another punch, this time in the arm, turned on his heel, and left.

Douma glanced at his socket that was regenerating back into an arm and mused aloud, "Just what exactly happened to Akaza-donno?"

On his way back to the little house in the middle of the woods, Akaza took his anger out on a few trees.

"What if they were in danger. What if Douma finds them, would he report it to master? Would he kill them?"

The scent of blood suddenly assaulted his nose,

her blood.

Oh, how I love ending my chapters with the last sentence way at the bottom. It just feels so cliché. I also hope I got their interactions down.

Sorry about the late updates it's been like 2 and a half weeks, right? I shall explain my absence in a story format QwQ.

Reeka looked at their mother with an expressionless face.
"Mom, why are you doing this again?"

"Well you need to study and these phones and books are a distraction."

Reeka threw their arms in the air to exaggerate their point.
"I do study!"

"Well, you have been paying too much attention to these books and apps and haven't even done your homework yet."

"But mother I did do my homew-"

"No butts, you're grounded, no books, no wifi, no devices, and no television."

Reeka put an arm to their forward, tilted their head back, and cried out.
"Oh nooo, I shall suffer greatly."

Seeing their mother nod in satisfaction, Reeka then thought. "I don't even need all that stuff. What the heck is my imagination for?"

So ye I got grounded ;-;

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now