Crack Filled Chapter brought to you by a Stressed Out and Sleep Deprived Author!

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Alternate Ending Up in the KNY Universe
Our dear Y/n was skipping along the sidewalk when she saw a cat. Of course being herself she chased after the little kitty with no regards to her life. When she finally grabbed the cat and stood up she was shocked to see a truck rushing towards her. It was like time slowed down and her brain began to think of the most useless things.

"That trucks coming at me at a velocity of like 86km/h and is showing no signs of slowing down. If I get hit I'll definitely die, but how am I gonna get out of the road."

Time suddenly returned to normal and Y/n felt her body fly and hit the asphalt road. Her final thoughts weren't the best.

"Holy fuck that hurt like a bitch. I may be a masochist but that's a bit too much."

The cat that she was chasing sat by her dead body licking it's paw.

"What a dumb species, they always run into danger then stand like a dumb deer in headlights."

The cat swaggered away with its head raised high before it too felt a blunt force against its body. Ah sweet karma.
Alternate First Meeting with Akaza
"Holy [bleep] you can't just sneak up on a girl like that!"

Here Y/n was bathing, when her favourite husbando came out of nowhere and just looked at her in her naked glory.

"How did you make that sound?" Akaza asked in curiosity.

"Oh it happens anytime I say inappropriate words like. You're daddy, you can bend me over and [bleep] me. I'd love to choke on your [bleep]. [bleep] me like it's our last day on this [bleep] Earth. I'm already naked too, so what do you say?"

Looking at the woman that was obviously not normal. Akaza slowly backed away and ran for the trees.
Alternate First Meeting with Kuna
The door opened and Y/n saw a child about 4 to 5 years old. Not being able to help herself she shouted.

"What's up kid, it's a ya girl EDP445 and we up in this [bleep]."

For some reason she couldn't curse but that was okay. At least she could still say EDP445.
The kid at the door just seemed confused and scared out of his mind.
Alternate Y/n making Food for Akaza
"Kaza-kun, here i have rice balls!" Y/n rounded the corner with a plate of rice balls that had little specks of red. Oddly enough, they smelled amazing. She offered one to him and he bit into it with a grimace.

The bad taste he was expecting never came, as a matter of fact it tasted great and he couldn't help but eat more.

"I made them with my blood."

Y/n beamed at Akaza with the biggest smile she could muster.

"Wait what?"

Akaza stopped eating in disbelief as the rice ball fell from his hand. No wonder he found it palatable.

But that was besides the point, he drank blood from a woman!
Alternate Akaza Finding Out that Y/n knows he's a Demon
"Y/n, let me get this straight, you knew I was a demon and still fed me human food!"

Y/n looked at him with a small grin and nodded her head.

"I mean it's not everyday you see a basketball head person with writing in their eyes. Think of it as payback for not speaking on your identity. Now open up!"

She raised a platter of rice balls and shoved one into his face.

"Eat it now!"

When looking at this human that was weaker than him by a hundred times and was as fragile as a stick, Akaza found himself unable to say no. He felt like if he did, he'd regret it for the rest of his immortal life. 
Idk why I didn't just write a normal chapter. The first scenario is actually based off something that happened to me. My doggo ran across the road once and I chased after him and when I picked him up and stood, a car was this close 🤏🏽  to hitting me.

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