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So there will be a time skip next chapter so I decided to get a lot of this out of the way.

Y/n tried to turn her body only to realize she couldn't. Scrunching up her face she once again twisted her body, This time she succeeded.

"What was stopping me before?"

Y/n raised a hand to her face to rub the sleep from her eyes as she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing Akaza's face looking down at hers, she greeted him.

"Oh, good morning Kaza-kun." She raised her hand to cover her mouth as a yawn slipped through. "What are you doing in my futon?"

He looked down at her with an embarrassed look on his face, "well you see you aren't exact-,"

"What are you doing to my nee-chan!" They both turned to the door and there Kuna was, looking at them angrily.

Y/n was shocked, what exactly was Kuna talking about? It was then that she registered the feeling of arms around her mid-section. Looking down it was then that she realized, that she had fallen asleep in Akaza's arms last night.

"Kuna it's nothing, nee-chan just fell asleep on Kaza-kun last night." She then mumbled to Akaza, "you need to let go of me."

Akaza was in a bit of a daze so she had to get his attention and repeat what she said.
Releasing his arms he said, "right, sorry." She quickly stood up and walked over to Kuna and stooped down to his height.

"Do you want rice balls, Kuna?" She had no way to explain that so the only thing she could do was avoid the subject.

"Mmh, rice balls are tasty but can I stay here with nii-san while you make them."

"Of course you can, I'll get to making them right now." Y/n rushed to the kitchen leaving poor Akaza behind with Kuna.

Making sure Y/n was out of hearing range, Kuna closed the doors behind him, walked towards Akaza, and sat in front of him.

"What did you do to my nee-chan? I told you not to take away my nee-chan." his eyes watered

"Why do these two cry so much. I never know what to do when people cry."

Placing his palm gently on Kuna's head he tried to explain himself. "I was only comforting her, I'm not going to take away your nee-chan."


"Really, I swear."

"Ok then let's go keep nee-chan's company."

Akaza sighed in relief as the child skipped towards the doors, opened them, and continued on his way to the kitchen. "I have an inkling of a feeling that she did this on purpose." He shook his head in disbelief. She actually threw him under the bus, whatever a bus was.


I JUST REALIZED THAT AKAZA RARELY TALKS 😭. So I'm gonna have to make a chapter that's in his POV so even if he doesn't speak much at least we know what's up.

I wanna say that while making this chapter my cousin almost deleted it and I swear I would've given up if that happened. Damn brat.

Please do tell me if you see any mistakes or anything that doesn't collaborate with the last chapter. Sometimes I don't remember where I left off, even when I read back.

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now