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Well, this is awkward.

They were now back at the house, neither person knowing what to say, they all sat on the floor. Kuna sat beside Y/n and right across from them was Akaza.

They didn't have a choice though, he decided to protect them and on the way back the sun just showed itself, the plan was to stay close and protect them but he didn't want to intrude on personal space. Yet here he was intending on personal space.

After starting at each other for more than 10 minutes Y/n started to feel awkward, "So are you hungry?"

She froze up after saying that, "Why do I have to be so stupid, I even forgot he's a demon, this is probably a sore subject, no it's definitely a sore subject. I'm gonna die, no wait he said he was gonna protect us and he isn't one to go back on his word."

Akaza stared at the girl in complete shock, "Why would someone ask a DEMON a question like that, not that she knows demons exist, she probably doesn't, but she must have heard stories and take a look at my appearance. It's definitely not normal to have pink hair, over-the-top sharp teeth, or yellow irises and blue scleras that look like cracked glass that even contain kanji in them."

"I'm not hungry."

After that sentence, an even more awkward silence enveloped the room, thankfully a cute little naive child was there. "Kuna wants Sakuramochi!" (mochi flavored with cherry blossoms, often filled with anko and wrapped in a sakura leaf. It's a kind of sweet.)

Y/n nodded and hurriedly ran to the kitchen leaving the two males behind. "You stay away from my nee-chan, you can protect her but nee-chan can only hug me."

"Okay, I won't." After saying that he watched as Kuna's eyes sparkled, "The same sparkle that hers had." Akaza wasn't planning to argue with a child, especially one that sounded so sad and was eager for affection. The scent around the house was a dead giveaway, it was mostly filled with the little boy's scent and the girl's scent wasn't as strong, which means they only met that same day he saw her fall off the tree.

Other scents were in the house but those were barely detected, the scent was strongest in a room, little ways down from here but even that scent was faint. It was quite obvious the boy was left here for a long time without any comfort or company from others.

His thoughts that drifted along we're distracted when he heard a question. "you....nii-san."

"What was that?" Akaza questioned.

A blush grew unto Kuna's face as he repeated the question, "Can you be my
nii-san?" Akaza nodded in agreement, after all, what's the worse that could happen, it's better for him to stay close and keep them safe anyways.

"You still can't hug my nee-chan though, so don't think you can just because you agree to be my nii-san!" Once again all he did was utter the same reply "okay."

Y/n returned with the sweets, "here you go, you little gremlin," she gave Kuna his, "and for you." She passed the other one to Akaza. She knew demons didn't eat human food but she was pretending to not know his origins, so it's best if she gave him human hospitality.

He looked awkward after taking it, "Should I eat it? I've seen Muzan-Sama eat to not blow his cover, it probably doesn't have any taste." Taking a small bite his facial expression twisted. "It tastes like dirt."

"Is it tasty? I tried my best to make it."

"It's super delicious nee-chan!" Kuna raised his hand holding the Sakuramochi as he cheered.

With his face still having that twisted expression, Akaza replied, "it tastes great." The answer was forced, he looked as if he was suffering.

"That's great I'll make A LOT  more the next time!"


At the moment Akaza and Y/n sat faced each other in a different room after Kuna fell asleep.

"Y/n-san, have you ever heard of a flower called the Blue Spider Lily?" A look of surprise and recognition passed her face.

"I have heard of it, It's most likely extinct though."

"Oh, I see so Master has been looking for something he'll never find," Akaza mumbled.

"Did you say something?"

"No. I also have something else I would like to discuss with you."

Y/n shifted her body, "ask away."

"I wish to know why you would trust someone you met." Is she stupid or just naive?

"Call it my intuition but I feel like I can trust you." Intuition my butt, I'm only this comfortable with you because I know you don't eat women.

Getting on his feet Akaza said, "There are times I won't be able to protect you two. Be it I need to find that flower or when the sun is up. I'm very allergic to the sun so I won't be able to protect you as closely as this."

"That's fine I am very thankful you are protecting us despite not knowing anything about us. Why go through such lengths?"

"I feel that you are very special, so I wish to protect you, that is all. Now if you'll excuse me I need to be somewhere, I will return later." He turned and left after these words.

The questions he asked left Y/n in thought "So what era is this? Is Tanjiro born as yet? Is Nezuko already a demon? Did they already do Final Selection?" She shrugged it off, got up, changed her clothes, and joined Kuna on the futon. "I'll just ask Akaza about the era next time." She fell asleep comfortably.

The Blue Spider Lily does exist in the KnY universe as it is what made Muzan into a demon. The Spider Lily only blooms at daytime, once a year(I think it's once a year) and lasts two to three days, Y/n knows all this but I decided that I wanted to make her keep it to herself until a later date.

If you see any mistakes, please point them out, I enjoy constructive criticism. I've decided to publish at least two chapters every month. I might publish more if I'm in a good mood. I'll try my best to reach the quota that I placed.

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now