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"Kaza-kun, what era is this? I can't seem to remember." Y/n decided to just throw caution to the wind and ask. If anything she could fake having amnesia and she had the perfect cover story.

"Kaza-kun?" Akaza was quite bewildered. Were they really that close to the point she even gave him a nickname?

"Ah, yes I thought it was okay to refer to you as such. Is it?" Y/n cursed herself for being so stupid. She was being too forward.

Akaza rested his chin on his arm, "I suppose it is okay to call me that." Her eyes couldn't help but brighten, she overstepped boundaries but at least he wasn't angry. "Is that really all it takes to make her happy?"

"Now back to your question, I believe it is now the Taisho Era." Akaza was more than mildly suspicious of this person. The clothes she first wore were very suspicious, that was one reason why he followed after her from that well. The other reason was to make sure she was safe, after all, she did have marechi blood and she had blood on her from that fall, encountering demons in that condition is no huge feat, she would most likely walk 10 feet and meet a demon.

The last reason why he continued to follow her was because she was quite intriguing. Healing cracked ribs in such a short amount of time is rather suspicious and it seemed she didn't even realize it happened. It was plain obvious she was a human so how did she do it? Was she some sort of witch? She seemed a bit too innocent to be involved in witchcraft but he knew better than to judge a book by the cover.

All this thinking brought him back to a matter at hand. "Why do you care so much for the child?" He knew that humans were selfish creatures by nature so what reason is there for this human to care for a child that obviously had no relations to her? What were her motives? Was she just repaying a favor? He doubted it but he was rather curious.

A small nostalgic smile made its way onto her face. "He just reminds me very much of myself. I didn't really have parents that cared much for me so there was no family to turn to whenever I was sad or whenever I made an accomplishment. I-I guess I didn't want him to end up like me. With no one who he could share his experiences." Tears formed in her eyes and slid down her face.

Although Akaza felt awkward he reminded himself that she needed someone to be there for her and to comfort her, so he opened his arms and wrapped them around her build. It seemed to work a little too well because she somehow ended up in his lap, with her arms around his back and crying into his chest.

At this moment and time, he couldn't help but thank whatever deity was out there for his excellent self-restraint. The blood in her veins was practically calling out to him. He knew that even if he wasn't in control he would never hurt a woman, that was something he prided himself on, nevertheless, her blood was very enticing.

Y/n had a lot of emotions going through her at the moment. She'd never had someone she could just open up to so she felt ecstatic that she could not only confide in him but also be held this tightly by her favorite demon. It was a dream come true.

Akaza felt the body in his arms slowly stop shaking. Did she fall asleep? "Y/n-san?" No answer. Guess that answered that query. Instead of carrying her to the room she normally slept in he decided to keep her in his arms. He wasn't used to another person's skin on his own and she was rather soft to the touch. Even if he did want to put her down, which he doesn't, he wouldn't be able to with that strong grip that she had on his haori. He would rather not damage her hands by prying away her fingers.

He already made up his mind anyway, shifting her into a more comfortable position, he leaned somewhere to hold his body upright. Waiting for the rise of the sun to signal the starting of a new day.

Sooo Captain Lazy here. I once again got lazy and decided to postpone making this chapter but here it is. I hope it's up to your expectations. I enjoy criticism as long as it's not rude or over the top.

On another note, I really need to start making a schedule for my updates.

So the first option is two-four chapters a month. The two-four chapters will be made beforehand and published on one random day of the month.

The second option is a random scheduling you'll still get your two-four chapters a month but they'll all be on random days.

Well, it's your choice but I'll just continue with the second option for now.

I warned you about the OOC-ness 😭. My dude has got some personal questions to ask though and they had to be asked at some point. I also know it's not very likely that people might open up to a random stranger but Y/n had no one to talk to in her world soooo ye that happened. For some reason, that scene with Akaza seemed creepy at the end but I like it so it's staying.

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