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(This whole chapter will be in English so I see no sense in underlining the dialogue)

"Ms. L/n you need to stop being so lazy all the time and invest your attention towards your schoolwork. You can do better than this, we all see that. As your teachers, we just want what's best for you."

Y/n was once again getting lectured by a teacher. So what if she could do better, she was just fine with her grades as they are. She preferred to be just another face in the crowd. Someone who didn't stand out. She liked being average, at least no one bullied her for being too smart.

Getting high grades was a magnet for disaster, it was better to be someone people would easily forget. She didn't give a fuck about anyone in this world so it was better if they didn't care about her either.

Zoning back into the lecture she managed to hear a sentence that made her panic.

"Would you rather I call your parents to straighten you out or can you start spending more time on what's important in your life. Without a phone call to your parents?"

Y/n sat up straight and glanced down into her lap at her intertwined fingers.

"I'll do better Ms. Lohan, no need to contact anyone ma'am."

"Good now run along."

Standing out of her chair Y/n hurriedly left the teacher's office and started her walk home. 

"Who the hell does this woman think she is, talking about calling my damn parents. Does she want to kill me."  Y/n's family situation wasn't exactly the best. With parents like hers who treat her this poorly she would rather not even return home. 

Standing before the front door she regretted ever enrolling to a school this close to the house. Taking in a deep breath then letting it out Y/n opened the door, took off her shoes and walked into the house. 

"Mother I'm home!" she always made sure to alert her mother whenever she returned. Sometimes Y/n wished she could just go to her room and lock herself inside away from the outside world. That way she wouldn't have to suffer from society's assholes who felt entitled to ruin her day.

"You little shit, where the fuck have you been. You're one hour late?!" A very angry Mrs. L/n stomped her way down the the stairs.

"Mother I'm sorry for being late, a teacher held me back to speak to me about something." Y/n always made sure to keep an expressionless face anytime she was around her parents. Her mother always had a problem with her facial expressions for some reason and she would rather not get shouted at because she was smiling.

"That's the same fucking excuse every time, now tell the truth. Where the hell have you been!"

"Mother that is the truth." In moments like these she always felt like crying. Why was it so hard to believe and trust in her. She did nothing to deserve this.

"Look at this! You didn't return home in time to clean this up and we had guests over. I'm sure they must think the people in this household are slobs."

Grabbing Y/n by the arm Mrs. L/n pulled her to the living room and threw her to the floor in front of one of the couches. Glancing at the couch Y/n felt horrified.

"Mom I swear I cleaned up before I left for school." A thought couldn't help but go through her mind. 'It must have been B/n he's the only one who'd do stupid shit like this. Besides is it my job to clean up after everyone in this house?'

The whole couch was covered in who-knows-what and it looked rather sticky. "I'll clean it up."

"You bet your ass you will, now get to it." Her mother looked at her with such scornful eyes, then went in the direction of the master bedroom. Y/n let out a sigh, 'At least she calmed down. Now to clean this up.'


The next day when she was ready to head out for school Y/n asked her father."Dad, do you know any families that need a babysitter?" She didn't have a choice but to ask this question, she wanted to buy manga but she had neither a job or any allowance.

Looking at his daughter through the corner of his eye Mr. L/n answered,"You finally decided to get up off your ass and do something worthwhile? There is a family across the street with children ask them if they need a babysitter. I doubt they would hire you though."

Her brother decided to then step in "let's go big sis, or we'll be late. See ya after school Mom, Dad."  Mr. L/n nodded in acknowledgement and Mrs. L/n gave a wave of the hand. Deciding staying in the house was making her feel nauseous, Y/n waved at them and hurriedly left the house and started the walk to school. 

Catching up to his sister B/n tried to initiate a conversation, "Hey sis you okay?" Y/n gave a hum in return. He ran ahead of her after saying, "Ok then see ya later." 

Staying in each others company always felt awkward.


So I now this chapter was random and all but every normal chapter or two I'll write a part of either Kuna or Y/n's backstory. Another note to make is that Kuna will also talk normally, but that mostly happens when he feels angry or when he is being serious.

I enjoy reasonable criticism and please inform me if you see any mistakes so I may fix them.


 I'll probably make another chapter this month because I feel really inspired this month XD. Also although the child neglect isn't really noticeable I tried to drop little hints here and there. Happy Reading.

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