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The 12 kizuki bowed in front of Muzan. "Did you find the flower?"

All the demons echoed in unison, "no Muzan-sama!"

"She told me everything but how will Muzan-sama react?"

Glaring at Akaza, Muzan asked, "have you anything to say to me Akaza-kun?"

Bowing his head lower, Akaza replied, "no Muzan-sama."

Leaning his head to the side Muzan asked with a bit of anger, "do you wish to oppose me? Have you lost your loyalty towards me?"

"Of course not, Muzan-sama I was just wondering how to tell you about all the information I have gathered."

Waving his hand lazily, Muzan said, "continue"

"The flower you seek.... It only blooms in the day and stays bloomed for three days, this happens once a year, every year."

Akaza could feel the anger from his master even from the position where he was.

"And where did you get this information?"

"I received it from someone I know."

"Who is this person?"

Akaza dodged his master's eyes, "would he hurt her?"

"Who exactly is this woman you are thinking of?"


"What do you mean by 'shit' Akaza-kun? When have you ever been this disobedient? Who is this woman?"

Akaza bowed his head to touch the floors as he pleaded, "please don't harm her master! I beg of you!"

"Of course not Akaza-kun, how could I hurt her when she gave us such useful intel? You will continue to get information from her. I hope you don't get too close to her or a tragedy might happen."

"Of course master. I understand."

Muzan waved his hand out to dismiss them.

"I want you lower moons to stay right here. We need to have a little chat."

On the way to the house, Akaza realized that something was amiss. Why were their scents all over the forest? There was also a third unfamiliar scent.

"Did something happen to them?"

Reaching the house, he entered and searched around the place for any sign of them. Nothing was taken with them except that stuffed toy(A bag stuffed with cotton. That Y/n sewed and drew eyes on) that Y/n made for Kuna.

"Where the hell are they?" A growling sound came out of his mouth. Exciting the house, he then realized the same unknown smell from before. It was mixed with Y/n and Kuna's.

"Were they kidnapped?" There wasn't any blood spill so that was the only plausible explanation for a this.

"Looks like another person is about to die, and I was trying to avoid killing anyone that wasn't a demon too, unless by orders or for food of course. Well then lets get a move on."

He followed the scent through the woods and came upon dozens of people, not just any people. They were demon slayers. Kuna and Y/n's scents were also there.

He sat on a branch on a tree where he could monitor them and track where they were headed. "It's a win-win is it not? I get to find my family and master gets the information he needs."

There were a lot of people wrapped up like mummies. "Ah, wasn't this the mountain where that little demon and his 'family' resided? Did they get killed?" Thinking back to how pissed their master was just now and the fact that he also had the lower moons stay back, gave him a little hunch about what was happening back at the tower.

His eyes scanned the crowd once more before spotting the two people he was looking for. Kuna was in Y/n's arms hiding his face in her neck. Narrowing his eyes to the group he wondered what really happened when he was gone.


Y/n stood by a tree with Kuna in her arms.

"What happened to them?" He whispered into her ear. Looking at the boy, Y/n said, "do you remember that meanie that hurt nee-chan last night? Well they were attacked by other meanies like that."

"So did these other people come to save them like how nii-san saved us?"

She gave a nod, putting her voice down into a whisper Y/n warned him, "we are going to go somewhere for a while. Don't mention Akaza-kun while we are there okay?"

She didn't really expect him to be able to keep a secret like that because well, he was a child. Children can't really keep secrets when excited.

"Do you remember our secret language?"

"Mmh, this is our secret language."

"Good anytime you want to ask me about Akaza-kun just remember to talk like this."


Y/n lifted her head to meet the face of Shinobu who stopped in front of her.

"Miss we will be ready in a few, sorry for keeping you waiting." Her voice was just a soft as Y/n imagined. "Oh shit this is every weebs dream!"

"It's just fine, I would like to thank you for keeping us safe."

Shinobu nodded, then looked towards the group. "It's time to get going now."

"Hai, Shinobu-sama!" They all got to their feet and started the long walk back.

"My feet are going to die aren't they?"

In the trees Akaza clicked his tongue in annoyance and followed. "It's almost daytime. What an ounce of good luck and bad luck mixed together." They would never expect a demon to follow them in the day so he would be able to tail them quite efficiently. It's a bit of a problem that the trees doesn't cover him from every ray of sunlight.

I'm not sure if the demons can actually sniff you out but I like to believe so. Cause well if Tanjiro can do it then it's most likely a bunch of half-dead guys who eat humans to survive can as well. Why does he always seem so yandere. It's really not my intention 😭.

The god gave Kuna Op abilities that aren't classified as Op unless it has something to do with Y/n. Like learning English in a day and understanding it.🗿(wish I could do that with French)

Anywho I'm gonna go suffer at school.

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now