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Out of all the clothing that occupied her vision, she decided to wear the blue kimono that had little pink flowers with white outlines on it. Looking around she managed to find other toiletries and for some reason, a lot of new things were there.

"It's not really stealing right, I mean I saw him here alone so his parents probably abandoned him."

She felt guilty for thinking such things but what was she supposed to believe, she didn't want to bring up bad memories for the little boy by asking so she just had to assume what she thought was right.

Glancing at the boy through the corner of her eye, she put a blinding smile on her face sporting all teeth.

"Well let's go look for your stuff then we can have a bath," she enthusiastically said.

"OK, N/n-nee!" Kuna replied with just as much enthusiasm.

Going back to the room they stayed in before they managed to find his stuff and headed off through the door.

"Kuna do you know where a river is?" Y/n questioned.

"Mh ones right down there," he pointed in the direction behind the little house, surprisingly there was a little path behind there too.

"How did I not see that before?"

Picking up the boy once again she made sure she had all the stuff they needed and headed down the path. Once again she couldn't stop her train of thoughts from going down the same road as it did earlier.

"What really happened to him? He's so thin, how long has he been left here alone by himself? How long has he starved and where are his parents?" Question after question flowed through her mind as she walked down the path subconsciously. She only came back to when her feet got wet.

Glancing down she realized she walked right into the river, "was I really that unfocused, what if I had an accident that endangered his life because I wasn't paying attention?"

Stepping out of the river she found a big rock that was conveniently nearby and put down their stuff. In the process of doing so, she also let down Kuna from her arms.

"Kuna, may I remove your clothes so I can wash you?" "Holy shit I sound like a fucking pedophile."

After getting permission to do so she carefully eased him out of his clothing and took him to the river to wash up, after cleaning him, she quickly dressed him.

"Kuna, can you sit over there and turn your back away from the river, please?"
She pointed over at the rock with their belongings. He trekked over there and sat with his back facing her. After seeing this her heart was at ease. She removed all her clothing and got into the river to wash herself.

The person that was tailing them, since they left the house, and stayed 20 meters away at all times stared in shock, "what the hell did I just witness and why did I stare so long?" He took a step back in terror and just so happened to step on a branch.

He held a breath that he didn't need to as the person he was tailing turned in his direction in alarm. Just as he was planning to run away the girl shouted to him.


He froze up and thought this decision through, on one hand, he wanted to apologize to her for peeping when he shouldn't have, he felt deeply embarrassed and was ashamed of himself for doing so, and on the other hand, if he came out he would probably frighten her with his features.


After weighing the pros and the cons he decided to just show himself after all the sky has been cloudy since the morning started, he wouldn't burn to death that's for sure. Stepping out from where he was hiding, with his hearing he heard a sharp intake of breath.

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now