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Akaza picked up his pace and managed to arrive just in time to see a low-level demon hovering over Y/n who had a fearful look in her eyes, there also seemed to be tears running down her face. "How dare this lowly demon touch N/n, who the hell do they think they are?!"

Akaza rushed forward and gripped the thing by the neck.

This happened while Akaza was punching Douma.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Y/n looked towards the door in confusion. Were the original owners of the house expecting guests? Just to be safe she grabbed a pan and then crouched down and whispered to Kuna.

"Nee-chan is going to check the door, okay? Can Kuna be a good boy and go to his room? Stay there until nee-chan comes for you, okay?"

Wanting to please Y/n, Kuna nodded and ran towards his room. Looking at the door in speculation Y/n gripped the knob and swiftly pried the door open. What greeted her was a grey face with pointed teeth and red eyes.

"HOLY SHIT A DEMON!" Y/n brought the pan down into the demon's face, successfully breaking the demon's nose and damaging the pan. Abandoning the broken pan, she slammed the door shut while the thing was distracted and turned to run down the pathway.

The door flew off its hinges and a tight grip surrounded her ankles. "Oh fuck, classic horror movie shit. Why me (T-T)?"

Falling to the ground on her back Y/n got a clear view of the thing's face.

"Now that I look at you properly, did you know that you are fucking ugly?"

It's not her fault she talked too much in dangerous situations, it was a coping mechanism.

It seemed like the demon didn't like the insult to its features and it bit down deeply into her leg tearing of flesh and swallowing it. The wound was deep enough to show bone.

A scream flew out of Y/n's lips.

In the room, Kuna wanted to check on his nee-chan when he heard her shout but remembered what she said. Hearing a pain-filled scream, he cried out Y/n's name.

"Stay in that room, do not come out!"

Listening to her, he went into a corner, curled his legs, covered his ears, and rested his head on his knees. "Why am I so useless, is nee-chan gonna die?"

Y/n stared up at the demon and wondered about their situation.
"Holy fuck how am I gonna save us both? My leg is practically just bone now. How is he, staying in a room going to keep him safe from this thing?"

"Marechi, I found marechi." The blood made the demon salivate a lot more. As it was about to take another bite, a hand gripped around its neck.

Carrying the demon outside Akaza went a distance from the house where he could torture the thing in his hands and also monitor Y/n.

Slamming the demon into the ground by its neck, Akaza questioned it, "What makes you think you are qualified enough to touch my N/n?" His forehead veins bulged. He was obviously very pissed off. Gripping unto the demon's hands he pulled off its fingers one by one as he spoke.

"What. The. Fuck. Gives. You. The. Right. To. Touch. Her."

A pained look crossed the demon's face. He was only trying to survive. What did he do to piss off one of his superiors? He was only doing what he had to.

A hand pulled off one of his legs while he was thinking. The demon screeched, punching the demon in the mouth Akaza threatened it. "You better shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear a sound from you. What if N/n-chan or Kuna heard you?"

Pressing his hand onto the demon's stomach, Akaza punctured it. "What about we make a deal?" The demon nodded its head, like a chicken pecking for food, it didn't care what the deal was, it was in pain it just wanted the pain to stop.

"I haven't even said the details, are you really that eager?" The demon once again nodded its head. "What a fool." Taking his hand from the demon's stomach Akaza once again gripped it by the neck and walked towards a spot where sunlight was abundant.

The demon gripped the hand on his neck. He couldn't even speak to express his displeasure he could only shake his head. "Now, now we can't go back on our deal, can we?"

A confused look flashed through its eyes as if wondering what the deal was. "You finally wish to know what you agreed to?"

Not getting an answer Akaza continued,

"Of course you do. Well, you see our agreement would have said that I would let you go as long as you left my N/n alone. The thing is I never said how I would let you go now did I? Death is another form of letting go, did you know this?"

Lifting the demon into the sun Akaza watched as it thrashed wildly, trying to avoid the sunlight that was setting it on fire. The demon then turned to dust, his regenerating abilities not being able to hold on any longer.

Pulling in his hand from the sun, Akaza looked at his hand that was mending back to normal. "I should have tortured him more, that leg would have made a good stick for a demon piñata."

Y/n felt relieved, she actually managed to survive. Realizing she no longer felt a pain in her leg she looked down only to see the wound gone.

"What the fuck?"

Me: using the words, 'the demon' a bit too much
My English Teacher: what did I teach you?

Yes, it was daytime sorry for not clarifying that at the start. I also seemed to have forgotten to mention that the house was shadowed by trees. Which is why the demons didn't burn before.

Me realizing I have so many ways to explain how she can do all these things but can only choose one because I don't want the story to be too messy. Pain

I'm starting to think that Akaza is a yandere and that was not my intention for this chapter. 😂

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now