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Y/n put Kuna in bed and sat there silently, lost in her own thoughts.

"When are you coming for us? I may love these characters but nothing is better than staying by your side."

She shook her head to rid the thoughts. They would definitely meet again so why did she want him to come pick them up personally? A few more moments of wallowing in her grief was all Y/n allowed before she stood up on her feet.

"I'm damn near bored anyway. Might as well become a damn psychic."

Glancing at Kuna to make sure he was okay, she fixed a blanket over him and went to find Kagaya Ubuyashiki.

It was only after going to three different Hashira did she finally get an audience with this man.

They now sat across from each other with the man giving a polite smile.

"Hello L/n-san, is there something I can help you with?"

"Actually Ubuyashiki-san, it's something I can help you with."

He looked at her with a mirth twinkling in his eyes before he gestured at her to continue.

"Well you see, ever since I became thirteen, I started to see and know things that I don't think I was supposed to have any knowledge of. "
Seeing that the man became slightly intrigued, Y/n cheered in her mind.

"Hook, line and sinker! Reciting the most cliche lines in history always works!"

"What I mean by this is, I can predict the future and look into the past."

Kagaya's eyebrow twitched.

"If you don't believe me I can tell you anything that you need to know right now about your family, the demon slayer corps or even....Muzan!"

The absolute look of surprise that crossed his face brought some type of smugness to settle in Y/n'a heart. To be honest, she felt a little guilty to be playing games like this but who told them to coop her up like this with nothing to do.

"Go on then, what can you tell me?"

"Well, it works a bit weird you see. I can only access three to five predictions daily. The number varies depending on my mood I suppose. Right now it seems like the only predictions available to me are about your family and Rengoku-san! Which would you like to hear first!"

Y/n exclaimed cheerfully at the head of the Demon Slayer Corps.

"It seems it would be better to give her a little test first."

Kagaya opened his mouth and said calmly.
"What do you know regarding my family."

Y/n put on a face as if she was concentrating really hard then said.

"Muzan is a distant relative of yourself and your family has a curse. The curse inflicted on your family was due to your ancestors birthing the "original demon." The sickness itself is a genetic disorder passed down from generation to generation in your family, it has effectively left the your family with weak bodies and a lifespan of less than thirty years. Your father committed suicide when you were nineteen and your siblings also died, leaving you to inherit the position of family head at the age of four years old."

She paused to give him time to digest all the information. Kagaya's eyes underwent many expressions that his face would not show.

"Need I continue?"

Throughout her false predictions, he never once interrupted her but she could see that he now believed in her fully.

After listening to the girl's predictions, Kagaya felt a sense of foreboding come upon him. It seemed as if the girl before him only had access to memories that would be beneficial in the moment. So why would anything about Rengoku be beneficial now? It was then he remembered, Rengoku was sent on a mission and just today the three boys were now on the same mission.

"Miss Y/n, please tell me every information you have on Rengoku-san right now please."

Y/n nodded her head and started speaking on what she remembered about the Mugen Train Arc.

"Rengoku-san is very powerful but he can't always come out unscathed. He will die on this mission and there is no stopping it. In his final moments he will feel joy and a sense of accomplishment. He managed to complete his mission with the exception of an Uppermoon surviving. The same Uppermoon was the cause of his death. He fought very valiantly and the corps should be proud. His death allowed me access on how to kill this Uppermoon. The Uppermoon can sense your figh-"

She paused and made it seem like she was having trouble to predict any further.

"I'm not stupid enough to give you all the information you need right now. For all I know you can send a crow to tell them how to kill my man and I can't have that happening now can I?"

"Is there anything the matter?" Kagaya asked, a bit of uneasiness slipping into his voice.

"I'm sorry Ubuyashiki-san, no more predictions can be accessed today. If you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving." She said solemnly.

She got up and hurriedly walked to where she was staying and left the man in his thoughts as her conscience shouted at her.

"I feel so guilty using this as a means of entertainment but what else am I supposed to do?"

We are welcoming a slightly unhinged Y/n.

I like how accepting you all were though when you heard I was dropping the book, someone even liked it so much till they wanted to continue it 😭 I'm sorry for what I did to you people last chapter(not really) so the thing is, I already had this chapter since the same day I published the one before this(wrote them on the same day and kept this one hostage to make this crap more believable). I promise you that I never leave books unfinished, it just doesn't sit right with me. This is what y'all get for bullying me. Readers who have never bullied me before please forgive me and please no start bully train 🙇


Please start expecting even less updates as I will be studying a lot harder for the upcoming year

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Please start expecting even less updates as I will be studying a lot harder for the upcoming year. Finally in the eleventh grade. Woooh! I wanna cry 😭

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now