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"We are gonna be leaving for a while okay?"

"There is enough food to keep you going for days."

"Mama? Papa? Where are you going? Can Kuna come?"

With a hint of disdain in her eyes, Shura bent down in front of Kuna and gripped his face with both hands. "We are gonna be gone for a while okay, just stay here." With that, the husband and wife pair left their son behind without even turning behind.

"Finally we can rid ourselves of that brat, I regret finding him that day." With one walking at the front and the other behind, they conversed in low voices.

"Why exactly did you take that child? I don't think you ever did tell me."

"There was this man, he told me if we took care of the child for five years we would get all the money we wanted. How do you think we have all these nice things? My job could never pay me this much."

"It's a good thing I played the best mother figure I could then." She felt a little guilty, even though she never really cared for the child was it really okay to leave him alone like this?

"I'm just not sure if there are any consequences to face for not taking care of the child, he did say five years though so I'm sure it's okay." Instead of a response from his wife he was met with silence.

Looking behind himself in panic, he called out, "Shura!"

"WhY diD You DiSObeY." A distorted voice made him look in the opposite direction. What did he do wrong?

As if reading his mind the voice repeated, "WHy Did yOu noT tAKe CaRe Of thE ChiLD?"

"I did what you asked of me, I took care of the little brat, what the hell is so special about the piece of shit anyway?" A man stepped out of the shadows to face him, there was a deep anger in his eyes.

"A PIECE OF SHIT YOU SAY!" Instead of the distorted voice that was first heard, the voice of the man was hoarse and harsh.

Gripping unto Paku's neck, the man gave it a harsh squeeze. "Do you wish to die? Without that child, you would have died five years ago."

Paku choking for air, grabbed at the man's arm as he tried to make sense of the information he was given. How exactly was he going to die back then?

"I can gladly show you what I mean." Putting his fingers to his lips the man gave a sharp whistle. Answering to the whistle two low-level demons jumped out of the shadows. "I gave your wife a quick death, however, I think you deserve every bit of pain, yes?"

Throwing Paku to the demons the man looked up in thought, "She should be here soon. The child should be able to live long enough to greet her."

Screams rang out through the forest for two minutes before stopping. As if not being able to hear the screams the man walked away unbothered, "I should prepare for her arrival in advance."

Imagine falling asleep TWICE while making this chapter.

Don't ask me about the names okay 😭. Idk wtf I did. Honestly, if you have a better name for them just voice it out 😭✋🏼. I decided to just write a little bit of what happened like three days before he met Y/n.

I enjoy constructive criticism and thank you for taking the time to read my book, it means a lot.

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