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Y/n spent most of her time since her last "prophecy" in Kaguya's abode.

"What do your prophecies behold now, Y/n-san."

During her time with Ubuyashiki, they had gotten along enough to now be on a first-name basis. She assumed he just wanted to be friendly with her to avoid as many deaths in the demon slayer corps possible. She didn't mind him using her knowledge this way, after all it kept her occupied. The only issue she had is that he keeps on pushing information about Akaza. Information that Y/n wasn't willing to give, no matter what.

"Kagaya-san, it seems like my prophecies regarding Rengoku-san were fulfilled."

Kagaya's eyebrows lifted to show his interest in the topic at hand.

"How do you know this?"

"Well, it seems like there is nothing else of his near future that I can see. Before this morning I used to see him fighting Uppermoon three, but now I don't even see the battle. It seems he has been killed in action."

Y/n delivered the news to him in a solemn tone.

"Omfg I always wanted to sound cool and solemn like this ahskdbdkd."

Kagaya sounded even more solemn than her with his next line.

"Did....did anyone else perish?"

Y/n shook her head rapidly.

"No, you have nothing to fear. He managed to save them all at the cost of his own life. Rengoku-san did well, he did the best he could."

"Obviously it wasn't enough against my man, but still, he did do a good enough job. If only he was up against another Uppermoon, except maybe Kokushibo, he would've definitely been the victor."

"I see...Y/n-san, if it's okay with you...I'd like to have some time alone."

Y/n rose from her seat and gave a small bow in his direction.

"I understand, see you later Kagaya-san."

She promptly left the room and started a trek to the Rengoku residence.

During their time here, she wasn't the only one who find a good way to relive boredom.

Kuna sat silently on the cot in their shared room. When he woke up there was a note saying you had gone to the Ubuyashiki residence and wouldn't be back till an hour. He wasn't sure what he should do. Should he wait for your return? Or should he wander around the corps? He was getting tired of all thee people here.

"Maybe nee-chan won't mind if Kuna goes exploring. Maybe Kuna can find her too while wandering around."

He hesitantly got off the cot and went out the door. He walked passed plenty of Kakushi on his way to wherever he was going.

While walking for so long, he suddenly happened upon an abode and in the clearing he saw a boy around Nezuko's age swinging a sword. Out of curiosity he inched towards the boy and introduced himself.

"Hi....Kuna's name is Kuna."

He suddenly realized how weird that sentence sounded after saying it out loud.

The other boy didn't seem to care much though, he only stopped his practicing and grinned at him with an expression rivaling that of a warm sunny day.

"I'm Senjuro. Nice to meet you Kuna-san."

So now everytime she goes to the Ubuyashiki residence, Kuna goes to play with Senjuro.

Guess my least favourite demon slayer character. Hint: it's a demon slayer!

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now