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Y/n woke up with a hungry stomach. "Damn demon slayer corp taking people in and not feeding them. I should've stayed in that damn mountain. My poor little baby must be starving right now." She took a glance at the boy that was curled up in her side.

She didn't even have the heart to wake him up. Actually, that's a lie. She really wanted to just give him a good wake-up call with a "Life's Good" alarm but sadly there was no ringtone like that here, much less a phone.

Knock knock

"Why did they come so early, let me go back to sleep goddammit!" Y/n felt the need to grab a sheet and pull it over her head as she used to do back in her original world.

Not hearing a response for a long time Aoi knocked once more added a calling after. "Ms.Y/n!"

Y/n sighed exasperatedly, why did she choose to stay here again? "Coming, coming."

She got off the bed, put on a little fake smile, and opened the door. "Good Morning!" She tried to sound as cheerful as possible.

"Good Morning Y/n-san, I hope I didn't disturb your sleep."

"Not at all." While grinning on the outside, if Aoi was to hear Y/n's current thoughts she would probably run away. "Just what the fuck man, you're lucky I don't skin you alive. I was planning to go back to sleep. How dare you interrupt me and call me out of the comfortable bed!"

Aoi smiled at her and clasped her hands together, "I was sent to call you both to eat breakfast. Just get your brother and we'll be off."

"Right of course."

Y/n walked up to the side of the bed and looked at the kid. What method was she supposed to use? She shrugged and decided to use the one that wouldn't give the kid a heart attack.

She used her hand to shake his body lightly. "Hey wake up. Waaaake uuuup. Ok he's not waking up, I give up." Y/n lifted his body into her arms and headed back to Aoi.

"We're ready." Aoi took a glance at the still sleeping boy and wisely kept her mouth shut. She gestured to follow her.

They were carried to a dining area. "Just sit over there." Aoi pointed to the few cushions surrounding a table. "Is there anything special that you need?" She asked as she headed for a few already made dishes.

Y/n sat down and shook her head. In the process of sitting down, Kuna woke up. He let out a yawn. "Good Morning nee-chan." His voice had a sleepy, milky like tone to it that made him sound extra cute.

"Good Morning, Kuna-chan!"

Seeing that Kuna finally woke up, Aoi carried over the adequate amount of dishes and sat with them to eat.

"I wonder if my breath stinks, I haven't washed my mouth since yesterday(T_T)."
Y/n subtly kept her breathing(not the technique) under control as she ate.

After breakfast she and Kuna went on a walk to help digest their food.

While walking, Y/n pursed her lips in thought, "I wonder how Kaza-kun is doing."

Said demon let out a sneeze while eating his meal of the day. "What was that? Could demons even get sick?"
Sorry about the late update. I currently have exams and have just been writing little by little and decided to post one of my drafts today.
I don't want to deprive you guys by giving you a short chapter so here's a shott filler that just bounces around the place instead 🙃

I just want to write yandere Akaza so bad 😥

Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer | Akaza x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now