chapter forty-seven: boyfriend's best friend

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"boyfriend's best friend"

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"boyfriend's best friend"

"boyfriend's best friend"

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levi's apartment

"morning, dollface."

you gave yourself a couple of minutes to shed the sleep from your head, allowing the visions of the night to give way to the day. you must've still been dreaming because there was no way you were waking up to the sound of another man's voice instead of your boyfriend's. but when you fanned your eyes, you almost jumped up from the couch.


"feel better?" he squatted down in front of the couch that you slept on, his head tilted scarcely with a smirk, just enough to show he was enjoying your reaction. his green eyes glistened.

"y-yeah...what are you doing here? where's levi?"

even though you hadn't fully processed the events of last night, there was one thing you were sure of. you were almost completely naked in front of eren—your vest barely supporting your breasts since one almost poked out. in panic, you grabbed the nearest blanket and coated yourself.

but eren didn't seem to mind.

the scent of something savoury wafted in the space, and you wondered how long you'd been sleeping. your eyes travelled to the kitchen, where your boyfriend was, an apron tied around his waist, his back to you as he concentrated on the pan in his hand. sudden flashbacks invaded your mind,

i won't touch you, not until i have your consent.

you make me so nervous, (y/n)...

you're beautiful.

i'll never let another man touch you.

you're mine.

you practically wet your underwear again at the thought.

eren stared at you, before snapping his fingers, drawing your attention back to him."damn, the sex was that good, huh?"

you practically jerked at the brunette's comeback, making you shove him slightly."eren! how did you know?"

IF HAPPY EVER AFTER DID EXIST; levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now