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[ Y/n ]

Boris came stumbling through the door, his pupils dilated as hell. Luckily the boys were grabbing their backpacks. I grabbed Boris and dragged him into our room.

"Go to sleep." I whispered harshly. "Detka, love and light of my life, baby, princess-"

"Go to sleep. Now, Boris." He sighed and scooted up so his head was resting on the pillow. I took his shoes off and dropped them on the floor before walking out of our room. I slammed the door and looked up.

"Everything alright?" Viktor asked.

"Everything's fine. Let's go, you're going to be late."

. . .

I shut the door and locked it behind me. I know Boris doesn't cheat. That's not what I'm worried about. That's one of the things he despises most in life. But... It's scary when he's gone all night.

Especially since he's a big drug dealer and this and that... I just can't imagine how many people would hurt him.

I opened the bedroom door and Boris was sitting with a coffee in his hand.

"моя королева... So sorry. So, so sorry. Bad night. Very very bad night."

I walked over and took the mug from him. I set it on the bedside table and Boris immediately hugged me. He cried into my skirt while his hands gripped at my shirt.

I played with his hair just the way he liked and rubbed his back. He was no longer wearing his thick winter jacket but had put on his favorite t-shirt.

He sniffled and pulled away. He looked up at me and wiped his eyes. "Sorry... Terribly sorry. No sleep." He laughed. I shook my head cupped his face.

"I didn't mean to get high... I just... Everything crazy. I need escape."

I sighed and stepped away from him. "I know you are angry but put this aside I need you!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. "Boris..."

"I need you." He whispered. I nodded and he laid down. I laid down behind him and wrapped my arms around him. "I fucked everything so bad... I was just kid! I did know nothing! I thought Potter would not react like... Like that!"

I nodded and kissed his head. "I miss him all these years... But my... I hate myself why am I so... So fucking stupid!"

"You're not stupid Boris..." I whispered, hugging him a little tighter. "I make so many bad ideas."

"Viktor and Oliver weren't bad ideas." I added. Boris laughed and turned to me. "Second best idea of life. After marry you."

I smiled and sat up and kissed him. Boris rolled over and I laid down. "Do you..."

"Yes, I still love you Boris."

He nodded and I hugged him. Boris rested his head on my chest and hugged me back.

.  .  .

Boris was eating a sandwich at the dinner table when I walked back in with the twins. "Hey dad." Boris stood up and gave them both a hug. "How were days? Good?"

"Fine." Viktor sighed. "What about you Oliver?" Oliver shrugged and walked into the kitchen. "This girl in our class says your hot. She's been non stop giving us notes for you."

"Huh?" Boris and I looked back as Viktor pulled out a paper bag. He dumped the contents out and Boris looked over at me. "She's really fucking creepy."

"Language." I corrected Viktor as I sat down to look at the notes. "Some of them are... More gross than others... So... Oliver and I have homework though. Come on, Oli." The twins left the kitchen and we looked at the notes. Boris and I couldn't stop laughing as we read through them.

Viktor and Oliver's dad,

Your soooooooooooo hot. Please come back and visit at school again.

"She does realize she is in the eight grade, yes?" Boris chuckled. "That isn't even the correct your..." I mumbled. "Is this how you felt about me too, detka? Enough to write hundreds of letters fantasizing about me." He kissed my neck and I laughed, pushing him off of me. "Stop it! You're so cheesy 

моя королева — my queen

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