'Mix up'

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( Lonely Hearts Club )

[ Y/n ]

Finn and I were always reluctant to send Oliver to school. Victor has gone for half of kindergarten and all he's worried about is Oliver joining him in school.

We were nervous about how he'd be treated by the other children, being mute. Also, what if he and Victor are separated? How will he talk to others?

The thought of it made me want to curl up in a ball with him in my arms and never let him go.

Yet, here we are walking into the school with both of them wearing backpacks. Victor and Oliver had wide grins on their faces, Victor showed Oliver everything he could.

"Look! I drew us!" He pointed out a picture on the wall. Finn and I had cameras surrounding us, probably symbolizing the paparazzi.

We stopped at the classroom and I clutched Oliver's hand. "Hi! Is this Oliver?" I looked at the teacher and nodded. "They have matching outfits! How cute! It's nice to meet you, my name is Mrs. Annette! I'm your teacher."

I looked down at Oliver and saw the excitement written all over his face. He let go of my hand and I felt like my heart was completely ripped in two. Victor had started it and Oliver was finishing it.

It always hurts me when they let go.

I put on a smile and knelt down. "Be good, okay? Stick with your brother and it'll be a good day." He nodded and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and pulled away to kiss his forehead.

Finn was finished saying goodbye to Victor and we traded. "Have fun, make sure Oliver is having fun too. Eat all your lunch today and actually take a nap. No one likes grumpy Vic. Come here." He gave me a hug and I stood up.

"Alright, we'll see you at two!" Finn and I nodded and waved to the boys as we walked out.

Halfway through the day, Finn helped me relax and I wasn't as concerned with Oliver anymore. We were cuddling on the couch, watching tv when my phone rang.

I picked it up and Finn paused the tv. "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Jan the principal at Vancouver elementary. I have Victor in here with me and he's refusing to talk to any adult. Could you come down here and help?" I furrowed my eyebrows, no way Victor's refusing to talk to an adult.

He's the most respectful little boy I know. "Um... Yeah, sure. We'll be there in five minutes." I got up and Finn looked at me.

"I think they've mixed up Victor and Oliver and now we have to go down there to see what the problem is." He sighed and got up. We put our shoes on and got in the car.

Finn sped all the way to the elementary school, it wasn't that far away.

We walked inside and we were greeted by the principal. "He was wandering the halls during class time and when a teacher asked if he was lost he ran off. He's refusing to talk to anyone about anything."

I nodded and she took us into the office. 'Victor' turned around and ran to us. He was crying as he held onto my legs. I knelt down and wiped his tears away as he frantically signed that he wanted to go home.

"I think you've made a mistake. This is our other son Oliver. It's his first day here and... He's uh... He's mute." The principal's eyes went wide and her whole face turned red.

"I am so sorry. That is my fault, I'm sorry. I can't believe I wasn't aware of this. This is so embarrassing, I'm really truly sorry. Truly. I had no idea and if I did I swear this would not have been a problem. If you would like you can take them both home or just Oliver- I don't know. I'm so so sorry."

I nodded and decided I'd take Oliver home. "We'll ask Victor if he wants to come home with us." The woman nodded and we turned around, leaving her office. Finn picked Oliver up and kissed his head. "Hey buddy, it's okay. You're okay now."

Oliver cried into Finn's shoulder, holding him in a death grip.

We walked to the classroom and knocked on the door. It opened and Mrs. Annette's whole face contorted into one of shock. I was pretty fucking pissed at this whole school but I wasn't going to go off right here right now.

"May we speak with Victor?" She nodded and went to get Victor. He walked over and into the hall. "Oli! What's going on?"

"We're going to take your brother home. Do you want to come with?" He hummed and stood on Finn's feet. "Yes please."

I nodded and told him to go get his and Victor's backpacks. He walked down the hall to the lockers and opened one.

He pulled out his and Oliver's backpacks and walked back over to us. He handed the backpacks and I slung them both over my shoulder. I held Victors' hand and we walked to the office.

I let go of Victors' hand and signed them out. We continued out of the building, Finn and I ignored the principal's apologies.

We got to he car and I strapped Victor in while Finn did Oliver.

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