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( Lonely Hearts Club )

[ Y/n ]

It was a hot July day in Derry and the Losers were looking for something to do. We sat on some old tree stumps we found in the woods, brainstorming.

"Does anyone have a match?" Beverly asked. I nodded and pulled the matchbox out of my shoe. "Thank you." She said. I nodded and watched as she struck one before handing it back.

I looked back at the losers as I went to put the matches back in my shoe. "Y/n we want your matches," Mike said bluntly. I shook my head and took them out of my shoe, putting them in my bra just so they wouldn't try anything. 

"Come on." Eddie groaned. I looked around for Richie, missing his arm around me. He left to pee a while ago.

"Where's Rich?" I asked. I stood up and started to look around. "Richie?" I called. I tried not to think about Pennywise, he's gone.

I walked in the direction where Richie had gone off to, calling his name.

I noticed some wet streaks on a tree and mentally gagged. I looked around for a moment before my eyes were drawn up. Richie was standing on a branch halfway up the tree.

"Richie! Get down!" I called. "Hell no! You come up here! What's wrong with your boob?" I looked down and remembered the matches.

"It's nothing!" I said, knowing he'd want them. The other Losers had joined me and we were all staring at Richie. "Richie come down or... I'll get the police!"

"I'll fucking fight them!" Richie shouted. I sighed and shook my head. "It's a box of matches!" I said. "What?" He asked.

"My boob, there's a box of matches in my bra!" I called. Richie started climbing down the tree, my palms started to sweat as I prayed he wouldn't slip and fall.

Richie jumped down and smiled his dorky grin. He pushed his glasses up his nose and I went to pull the matches out.

"No," Richie said, stopping me. "Oh my god, Richie." Stan muttered.

"Come on, how many of you want to grab this? You're jealous!" Richie said proudly as he reached into my dress and retrieved the box of matches.

"Just because you're her boyfriend doesn't mean you have her consent." Eddie squeaked. "Sorry." Richie put the matches back in my bra, making me laugh a little.

"Do you consent to me grabbing the matches?" He asked. I nodded and Richie nodded at the Losers. He grabbed the matches and shook the box.

"Thank you, my dear." He kissed my head.

"Okay! Let's go down to the barrens and we'll catch fish and then we'll cook them." Richie said.

"Richie fish haven't swum in that stream since ever." Mike replied. "Jesus Mikey, have a little fun." Richie grumbled.

"Okay, Richie has a box of matches, Beverly had cigarettes, Bill has his slingshot, Mike has... Mike, what'd you bring?" I asked.

"I brought uh... Some slices of pie. My momma made it for us this morning." He pulled it out of his backpack.

"Holy fuck that looks amazing!" Richie cried. We were all in awe of the pie's glory. "How did that not get destroyed in your bag?" Ben asked.

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