'Im so pissed everything i write turns into smut'

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Mini smut

[ Y/n ]

Oh how my heart longed for the flutter of when he walked by.

How my cheeks would heat up when my friends pointed out he was staring.

How sometimes we'd be left alone in the laundry room and he would talk to me.

Oh how I dearly miss my Miles.

I wish he were truly mine, though. He never asked me out and now I'll never see him again. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been depressed since he's been expelled. I wish I were there, when he fought that kid. I always curse him for doing so. The boys here are cruel and dumb. Why did he fall prey to one of their ignorant comments?

I heard the other boy said something about his parents and his little sister.

Someone else said that the other boy had put a stupid 'hit me' sign on his back.

The most popular rumor though, is that the boy had photos of Miles doing things that got him expelled. Bad things. So he hit him to try and get the photos back.

I always wonder which it was and if it were the last one, what was Miles doing in the photos?

My friends talked and I ate my breakfast zoned out, missing his cute smile only I got to see. "Y/n, are you even alive right now?" I nodded and looked at my friends. I swear just as I looked at them, in the background, Miles walked through the halls. I immediately stood up. "I think I... Started my period. I'll be right back." I rushed out of the cafeteria and into the hall. I saw a curly haired boy walking with his hands in his pockets.

"M-Miles!" In the heat of the moment I needed to know if it were true. If Miles was back. The kid froze and my heart started racing. He turned and it wasn't Miles. My eyes widened and I quickly apologized. "Sorry! I thought you were someone else..." He shrugged and told me to have a good day, which I returned.

I slouched and turned around, defeated. My head was hung as I walked, my feet dragging on the floor. All of a sudden, my name was being shouted. I looked up, my eyes wide as all of my friends ran at me. "What? What?" I asked as they all talked over one another. "Anastasia first!" I shouted over them. She was a the person who first called me.

"Miles wasn't expelled! That was just part of the rumor and guess what? He comes back TODAY! You're creepy, odd, very... Very rich, probably psychotic boyfriend is coming back to you!" I felt my whole body perk up. "I need to go get ready... Miles and I had study hall with my the first period so if I shower, do my makeup, and iron my-" "All of my clothes are ironed and we're the same size. Get an outfit out of my closet." My roommate, Dian, commanded.

"Okay, great, thank you. If I shower and do my makeup I should get to study hall only 15 minutes late!" Everyone nodded and pushed me towards the dorms. "Go girl! Don't let him see you in this state!"

I ran to my room and showered, washing my hair, face, and everywhere else. I've never been so thankful my friends used wax strips on my legs because shaving them is a hassle. I finished showering and started my skincare routine.

By the time I had finished, my skin was glowing. I decided get dressed then do makeup. I put my bra and underwear on, leaving my bathroom for Dian's room. I opened her closet and looked at the photos of her and her boyfriend Peter. He's one of the nice guys in our school. He and Dian are so cute together. I grabbed a uniform and started to change. I started with her white shirt, then our school's tie, then our school's sweater, then I pulled the skirt on. Though Dian and I are the same size in shirts, her skirts are very short on me.

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