'Oops, that's sad'

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[ Y/n ]

There was loud screaming, jolting Finn and I awake. We got out of bed and ran into the twins room. Victor was hugging Oliver, crying and screaming at the top of his lungs. Finn pulled him off of his brother, which wasn't an easy task. Victor fought him, kicking and hitting him.

I picked up Oliver, who was limp. Blood seeped out of his mouth. I ran out of the room, holding him while he coughed. Finn followed me downstairs and into the garage. He grabbed the keys and we got in the car. He passed my Victor and I put him in his seat. "Fix it mommy!" He cried. I was crying as well, holding him in my lap.

Oliver coughed and hugged me tightly. I leaned my head onto his, whispering to him he'd be okay as Finn drove to the hospital.

. . .

We got there and ran inside. There were some nurses standing around talking. We ran in and they quickly took Oliver from me. We followed her and she led us to the children's section. We went into a room where they quickly hooked him up to a million and one machines. "When did this start?"

I shook my head, trying to think. "H-he's had a fever for like... Two weeks? We took him to our doctor but she said he was fine and it was just the flu." They drew blood from him and cleaned up his face. Victor was getting rowdy and distracting the nurses so Finn took him outside.

[ Finn ]

Victor and I stood outside the hospital. "Victor I know it's scary but-" "I hate you! Dad I told you he was sick!" I was taken aback by his words, speechless. "Victor don't forgot your manners."

"I hate you!" He kicked me and ran down the sidewalk. I ran after him, quickly catching up. I grabbed him, pulling him close to my chest as I knelt on the ground. He sobbed and I started crying as well, placing my head on his shoulder. "If he dies I want to die too!" Victor cried. I shook my head and held him tighter.

"Mommy needs you..."

He held onto my arms and bawled his eyes out. I eventually stood up and carried him to a bench. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called my parents. It rung for a moment before they picked up. "Finn? It's late... Are you drunk?"

"Mom..." You could hear the pain in my voice and I started to break down again, holding Victor. "Oliver's sick again. This time he's coughing up blood."

She was silent on the other end and I just sat there. "We're on the next flight over." I hung up and called Nick. He quickly picked up, he was streaming. I saw the notification in the car. "Finno! What's up? Can you play COD?"

"Nick I need you to come here."

"What? Finn, what's going on?" His voice was now serious. "Is Victor crying?"


"Finn, what's happening? Is Y/n okay?"


"And Oliver?"

"He's sick..."

"Like the flu?"

"Like coughing up blood and in the hospital."

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