'girl I learned a tiktok dance'

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[ Y/n ]

I sat in my bedroom with Finn, the ring he had once given me in my hand. "So... That um... Last night... Did you mean... Did you mean it? Do you love me again?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah. It's been a long time and I don't know... I guess that feeling in my stomach when I'd drop the boys off was knowing that it wasn't right..." "We shouldn't have split... D'you think the boys should know?" I shook my head. "No, no. Not until we're positive we want to get back together..."

"Like, married again?"

I nodded and Finn's dorky grin spread onto his face. "What?" He shrugged and leaned forward. Finn kissed me, his warm lips, still curved in a smile against mine. I kissed back and reached up to play with his hair. "Mo-" I shoved Finn and he fell onto the floor.

Victor stared at us, his hand sitting on the door knob. "What're you doing?" He didn't seem to know anything had happened. "Just playing. What's up froggy?"

Froggy... The nickname we had given Victor when he learned to walk.

"We just wanted to see if you guys were sexing."

"Se... Sexing?"

"Yeah, on tv they said sex."

"Do you know what it is?" I asked.

"It's when you hold hands in bed."

Finn and I both started to laugh. "What?" "Buddy, you'll learn when youre older. Don't say that." Victor shook his head and walked away. We sat there and I tapped my finger on my stomach. "I'm sorry about Carrie..." Finn mumbled. I thought back to when we first split and how he quickly moved on to that bitch Carrie.

I looked up at him and shook my head. "I really am. I know I defended her and I should've believed Oliver... I'm sorry. I was a fucking angry at you. You left me. Remember?"

"Yes, I fucking remember." I muttered.

There was silence for a moment before Finn leaned over and placed his lips on mine. I sighed through my nose and melted into his kiss. He pulled me closer to his body, throwing my leg over his hip. I laughed for a moment at how needy he was for physical touch. Finn smiled and then kissed my jawline. "You can move out of this pitiful house and into mine and we'll tell the boys this one flooded while they were at school."

I placed my hands on his shoulders, rubbing them. "You need to leave soon..." he frowned and shook his head. "Yes..." I said, cupping his cheeks. "I wanna stay here with you..." He hugged me and I played with his hair. "I know you do precious. I know." I began to remember how "clingy" Finn was. At the time I was young and I guess I just didn't understand that he had separation anxiety his whole life.

That fact really set in when we divorced and I would have the twins. The constant texts. Every hour of every day asking if they were okay. And showing up if I didn't respond for a few hours. He worried about me too, asking if I were okay occasionally.

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