'A shitty bobert chapter I h8'

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[ Narrator ]

"Who is that?" Vivian asked Cassandra. Cassandra followed Vivian's gaze over to Bobert, who was playing with his sons. "That's the pack alpha. His name is Bobert."

"Is he single?" Vivian asked.

"What? Oh god no. No, no, no. Those kids, they're his. His wife is... Somewhere." Cass looked around for Y/n, trying to figure out where the young mother had run off to. "Well she isn't here." Viv joked. "I wouldn't even think about making a move on him. They're both extremely protective of each other. Like, they've both killed people for talking to the other person."

Vivian felt an intense wave of fear rush over her. "R-really?" Cass nodded and watched as Bobert fell down into the grass, the twins diving after him.

A big commotion caught the pack's attention. Y/n came running out of the woods, her body beaten and bloodied. Bobert quickly got up and rushed over to her. The twins cowered behind their father, staring at their mother. "What is it? What happened?" Bobert asked. "Tr-tr-trap." She whispered before collapsing into his arms.

"Io!" Io ran over and took Y/n. She faded in and out of consciousness but the entire time she reached for Bobert. The twins followed Io inside, per their father's orders, and ran upstairs.

Outside Vivian and Cassandra were urged inside, the males all on edge. All of them thinking of one thing only. To protect their mates.

Inside, Io hurriedly undressed Y/n. He cut her favorite dress in half and looked at the injuries. He quickly gave her anesthesia and then got to work. He started with her ankle, which had been torn apart by what was probably a beartrap. He cleaned and stitched the wound back up, looking up to make sure she was still breathing every minute and a half.

Victor and Oliver were huddled together with the few other children in the pack. The women calmed them all but exchanged worried looks with each other whenever one of them would try to get through to either of the twins. They just hugged each other tightly and ignored everything else.

"She didn't say if it was a hunter or hunters. She just said it was a trap."

"A trap..." Bobert muttered. "A trap! She was set up! She keeps coming back with gifts from one of the females from the other packs. Baby stuff."

"She was taking stuff from another pack and you didn't stop her?" Someone growled.

"A pack we were on good terms with." Bobert retorted.

Just as he said that four males emerged from the woods, one of them carrying a woman. "What have you done?!" The older man shouted at Bobert. "I did nothing! You attacked us!" He retorted. "We did not! Look at what that little cunt of yours did to her!" He showed Bobert the woman who hardly looked human.

"Y/n couldn't do that to her. One, she was injured badly as well and two... She's pregnant. She wouldn't have attacked an older woman who was giving her baby supplies."

The two alphas silently came to the conclusion someone had done this to their precious mates. "Bring her inside..." Bobert led the other men inside. He walked into Io's office and stared at Y/n. Io had put an oxygen mask on her, as she had started slipping away from them. Io didn't notice them as he tended to a stab wound in the woman's stomach.

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