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[ Y/n

My eyes were still closed but I was sure I'd woken up. A small groan left my lips subconsciously as I rolled over. The silk sheets on my skin made me feel so perfect and lovely. I didn't feel Miles in bed with me, so I sat up, opening my eyes. I looked around the room for him, trying to figure out why he was out of bed so early.

I looked over at my clock, which read 1:39 AM.

I sighed and got out of bed. I first went to our bathroom, looking to see if he were there. The bathroom was empty. The lingerie hung loosely around my body, lacking the ability to keep me warm. I walked out of our bedroom and out to the kitchen. "Miles?" He laughed, standing in the kitchen. I could already tell he was drunk.

The empty bottles of vodka and whiskey gave it away. "Baby what's wrong?"

Miles only drank like this when something was really wrong. "Do you know what day it is?" He whispered. I looked over at the calendar, noticing the next number to be crossed off. Miles walked over and picked me up like a bride, startling me. He laughed and held me close to him. "After all these years... And all these drinks! It still hurts so fucking bad..."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his curls and kissing his cheek lightly. "I know you're hurting baby." Miles was starting to break down. He set me back on the floor, stumbling around for a moment. I watched as he finally fell onto the floor. Miles was sobbing, every cry filled with such pain that I became fully aware of what he felt like.

I walked over and sat next to him. I pulled him over so his head was resting on my thighs. "Why them... Why then!? We were so young. Flora was two fucking years old! I... I was... I needed them." I played with his hair, listening to him. "They didn't even see us get married. They won't see Flora get married. They'll never meet our kids or your parents. They'll never invite us back for Thanksgiving. They'll never do anything because they're dead."

I wasn't sure how to respond to his ranting, so I continued to listen.

"They were good people... Why did you have to take them... Why then... Why me..." I could tell he was no longer talking to me. He sat up, making me look at him. "Bub, what're you doing?" He shook his head and wiped his eyes. "I want to sleep." I nodded and we stood up.

Miles and I got into the room but he quickly stumbled into the bathroom to throw up. I walked in with him, flicking the fan on so the a wall wouldn't linger. I walked over to him and rubbed his back through his shirt that was slowly becoming drenched in sweat. I pitied him greatly, he was never like this. My heart ached seeing him in such a state.

Miles finished throwing up and I flushed the toilet. He sat there and I turned the shower on. We had already showered but it was clear we'd have to again. Miles stood up and I undressed him. He got into the shower and I followed, after taking my thin layer of clothes off. Miles stood there while I began washing him.

I was exhausted and just wanted to get us to bed. I quickly washed his hair and body while he stood there.

"Miles." He looked up and me and I smiled a little. "I wanted you to remember that your mom and dad love you very much. They didn't want to leave you, that's just how it happened. If they were here today, I'm sure they would be so proud of you and Flora."

Miles nodded and his lip quivered. I hugged him, resting my head on his chest. He hugged me back, crying again.

. . .

Miles and I eventually got back in bed, after ten minutes of trying to get him to brush his teeth. "Y/n..." I hummed and opened my eyes. "I

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