'I'm exhausted'

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[ Y/n ]

Finn isn't famous —

In my town, we're really big on our ice sports. Particularly, figure skating and hockey.

The figure skaters don't talk to the hockey players and the hockey players would never give us the respect we deserve. It's always been like this.

But, there's someone different on the hockey team...

His name is Finn and he's the sweetest boy in the whole world.

We've been secretly seeing each other for months and I love it when he comes to my competitions. Naturally, I show up to all of his.

Finn also sits in on my practices because I have a private coach and private ice time.

Enough with the backstory, I'm on the ice, bawling my eyes out because of the fall I just had. It's nothing major, it just really fucking hurts.

Though, like most falls like this, the pain will subside in a few minutes.

Finn rushed into the ice to help me, his face gave away how panicked he was.

Maria, my coach, rolled her eyes. She knew I was being dramatic just as well as I did. I just wanted to be held by Finn.

I've been pleading, begging, Maria to let Finn and I pair skate. We would be so good together. Even though he's never done anything remotely close to figure skating, much less pair skating.

Finn helped me up and brought me back to the wall. He left the ice and stood in front of me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"A kiss would make it better..." I pouted, grabbing his hand. Finn smiled and leaned in, connecting our lips.

I kissed him back, reaching up to touch his hair. Finn was smiling, making me smile.

We pulled away and Maria clapped once. "Alright, that's enough. Have a drink of water and then I want you out there working on your tripple lutz tripple toe. Alright?"

I nodded and listened, taking my water bottle from her and taking a drink.


I met Finn in the lobby after practice, grabbing his hand. Finn leaned over and kissed my head, whispering to me how well I did.

I smiled and we left the rink together. We were walking back to the car when loud laughing caught our attention.

Finn and I looked around for a second before Finn's last name started being shouted. We both froze, standing in the snowy street.

"No way! What the fuck man?" We turned to the voices. It was three of his teammates, Wyatt, Jack, and Jaeden.

"Sorry I-"

"You missed spaghetti night! Dumbass fucker. Hi, I'm Jack." The curly haired boy stuck his hand out for me.

I shook it and he smiled at me. "Wyatt." The other curly haired boy gave me a handshake. "I'm Jaeden, it's nice to meet you." Jaeden's hands were soft, just as his voice was.

"So... You're not mad?" Finn mumbled. "That you're dating a figure skater? Nah, we don't care. The only reason we don't talk to the figure skaters is because our coaches hate each other. I'm cool with them. I like watching them do the jumps and shit." Jack answered.

Finn and I nodded and I sighed, rubbing my hands together. It was snowing pretty hard now and I wasn't wearing gloves.

"Alright well, I'm going to take her home. I'll catch you guys tomorrow at practice." The three boys nodded, waving goodbye to Finn.

"Ready to meet my parents?" I asked as we got into the car. Finn hummed and started his car, pulling out of the parking lot of the ice rink.


Finn and I stood at the front door together, holding hands. "You'll do fine baby, just be yourself." I mumbled, knowing my parents weren't happy I was dating a hockey player.

The door opened and my mom stared at us. "Come in." Finn and I walked inside and greeted my mom. I set my bag down and slipped my shoes off.

I walked into the kitchen and found my dad. "Hey dad, what's for dinner?" He turned and I smiled, the sight of him in an apron bought for my mom was always funny.

We should get him his own.


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